Analog Four and CV friends

Hmmm, at the control voltage party, Analog Four met with Doepfer Dark Energy, they got on just fine :+1:

The Analog Four also got along just fine with the Monotribes, even though CV control was (maybe) an afterthought by Mr Korg :+1:

Saving the best til last, oh yeah, here goes, Waldorf Pulse+ … woah, he don’t wanna play, pitch is all over the place, grrr cv>midi>cv wtf !! :-1:
It’s unusably flaky at both (quantized) pitch and even gating (original pulse+, os2.01)

maybe my p+ unit is a bit knackered & old ?
any other pulse+ users concur or have a way to tame this (without reaching for the portamento) ?

It’s not like i can sequence the Waldorf via midi from the A4 as a workaround either :sob:

hopes dashed !

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Firstly, am nowhere near studio and on Holiday through most of month. HOWEVER, when I connected my Pulse+ O.S. 2.01 (just like yours), I had same frustration until reading on older forum back then, the only sole person whom ever mentioned a Pulse+ and A4, that since Pulse+ has a rather extensive menu set-up for cv/gate, and it’s cv/midi interface, the Pulse+ will actually do +1 Volt/Oct AND S-Trig…and it was actually S-Trig that finally worked great on Pulse + and A4, having to really play around with settings to get it right on then save settings on BOTH Pulse+ and A4.

The Pulse+ User Manual goes into great detail on set-ups for it and funny thing is most people think of mainly KORG when comes to S-Trig, and in this case, it definitely has something to do with the A4 because according to some long time folk on the “Waldorfian List” =1Volt/Oct. should have been what worked. The artist I bought my newly used 6 month old A4 from passed onto me that with the A4 and very limited instructions for this amongst other user manual lacklusters; he had to try +1V/Oct and S-Trig on every piece of his modular and older analog gear because there was no consistency to the madness.
The good thing about Pulse+ is the stable tuning of the 3 DCO’s mean once you have the settings correct in it’s menu as well as A4 (after patient tweaking and no glide/port required), simply save it as a set-up on EACH machine.

Do realize with the Pulse+, once you eventually get that set-up correctly and since we cannot use midi (yet) to sequence, the Pulse+ has 2 additional CV/Outs and 1 Gate Out, and can actually have a second analog mono synth with cv/gate in (or if that synth can be CV’d and has more than one voice place it into unison) and just as you would Daisy Chain Midi, that second pc of analog gear can be set-up so that whenever the A4 Trigs the Pulse+, it also in turn triggers second cv/gate out to second synth attached. No, have not gone that far with it as plan some experimenting because it theoretically should ALSO be possible to instead of using the cv/gate out on Pulse+, one should be able to utilize the built-in cv to midi converter (without at all affecting the Pulse+ Synth Engine) and have it so when Pulse+ is sent a Trig from A4, the Pulse+ CAN then trigger the midi out to midi in on another piece of gear.
For the Pulse+ having a rather limited LED screen, all is there to make these interesting and utilitarian connections.
The new Pulse 2 only has CV/Gate OUTs and of course full midi specs. A keyboard version of Pulse 2 is forthcoming according to the German interview I viewed with main guys at Waldorf…and am hoping THAT will have both cv/gate INS and OUTS to be able to be as versatile as Pulse+.

So sorry nowhere near studio or plethora of printed A4 tidbits I printed out all over the old forum and here and there on this forum as could give you the link but just do search on old forum and almost certain the gentleman gave the exact S-Trig settings on Pulse+ and A4 to get you in correct “zone”.
That user’s name on old forum, at least, is “INSOUL8”. Also, Korg’s MonoTribes only through recent O.S. update allow more of a “sync” as what would be found on the Korg Volcas…rather than a "true cv or trigger/gate. Conversely, some people found they had to find which worked best between S-Trig and V-Trig when connecting MS20 or the MS20-Mini to the A4 for good results, regardless of what manuals suggested as best connection scenarios.
The great things also about the Pulse+ are:

  1. you can be using a Program and whether you change programs/Sound by LED preset # via midi/footswitch/or even manually, there’s absolutely CLICK as it’s quickly morphs/to the new sound,
    2)Pulse+ sends it ARP/quasi sequencer midi data out via midi out DIN to drive other synths or say as a trigger input to my Waldorf 4-Pole Mini Works Analog VCF/VCA, 2 ENVS. LFO’s…basically, a Pulse without the 2 Osc’s, and have something like Nave for iPad or ANY synth or source into the input …and since you, too have a Pulse+…
  2. UTILIZE the 4 Pole Ladder VCF INPUT on back of Pulse+ …Pulse+ has a very well-spec’d midi implementation and THIS is why I want the A4 to have midi out sequencing tracks to be able to use it with a couple other 'Berlin School" machines I have as well as being midi friendly to digital gear such as my Virae.

many many thanks for that detailed response, especially as you’re on hols :wink:

i’ll search out the older thread, it seems hopeful that i might be able to improve the voltage/pitch tracking a little

i had high hopes for this pairing - i noticed that some of teh gate/trig settings were counter intuitive in the pulse os, so i was able to get v-trig working - but the pitch was terrible - the whole feel was quite laggy too
i might need to look at shorter cables without adaptors etc

i’ll investigate over the weekend hopefully

wishing more than ever that elektron would add midi sequencing to the os

thanks again

If you do not have hard copy of Pulse User Manual, would download the pdf from Waldorf because the User Manual is quite detailed about how to get it to work and even some mod settings and such here:

I am pretty sure it’s under two helpful sections: “Other Functions of The Pulse Plus”, and “Tips and Tricks”. Hope this all helps.