Hi all !
Is anyone so kind to explain me easily what the fx feature in amp page does?
I tried to read it in the manual a lot of times without results…
thank you
Hi all !
Is anyone so kind to explain me easily what the fx feature in amp page does?
I tried to read it in the manual a lot of times without results…
thank you
Theres FX in the amp page?
There is indeed. It controls the behaviour, in case of trigging, of the envelope.
To me…makes sense for the Filter…not really -asaik- for the Amplitude Modulator, that, i believe it’s the one in the LoFi collection.
It doesn’t make sense only because i dont have an envelope for AM…
or am i wrong??! [i should investigate more]
Anyway, Giuseppe, if you assign a Filter to Fx 1, the the Fx1 in the Amp Setup will determine how the envelope would restart after every trig happening. (being it sampletrig or trigless).
If you have also a Filter on Fx2 too, then Fx2 in Amp Setup will determine conditions for the envelope of the second filter.
Thanx sicjik, I try to play them but very small changes…
It does make any significant difference, I am just trying to understand for what is worth to use it…
This could be of some help:
It was made by me for some guy who wanted to know more about different trig types, but it also covers some aspects of the fx settings you ask about. If you watch it, bear with the rough execution, it was just meant to clarify a point, it wasnt intended as a general tutorial.
it controls the phase of the AM, rather than an envelope per se.
For me the AMP-Page-FX settings are very difficult to master and a lot of experimenting may help, as always .
The most obvious is to use it with the filter on FX1 and to determine wheter the filter envelope is retriggered together with a “normal” trig (=sample trigger) or not.
But for me the wilderness begins, with trigless trigs: In combination with trigless trigs it is possible to use the AMP-Page-setting as a gate to super-strange-and-mighty-modulation, where you put trigless trigs into the sequencer, that do not affect the “normal” amp-parameters (like hold, decay, …) and do not restart the sample, but you can make the settings, so that they will restart your FX-envelopes. I use this with neighbour machines to explore multi-layerd filter and other fx controlled by my pattern of trigless trigs.
FX-Trigless trigs function similarly to trigless locks, but trig LFOs and FX envelopes. They can only be applied by converting sample trigs or trigless locks.
it controls the phase of the AM, rather than an envelope per se.[/quote]
Yeah,i was going to fall on this…its a field i should experiment more…subtle variations on this quite hidden parameter…i confess: i’ve used it only one time
But only some sounds should work…like in great c0mbo!
Thanks for your answer!
Hey Metageist…about your Neighbor using for layering filters…thats a clever solution when it comes to have kind of modular sounds…i still remember that joy when i tried this technique on the MM…but definetely the OT should have a go too!!
Thanx guys for sharing your experience with this OT feature !!!
I think that I will try with trigless trigs…
It sounds good to me…
This vid does a nice job of explaining trigless locks and trigless trigs. Thanks for posting!
Very useful…
Hello guys, ! I have to make this topic alive again, asking myself on the R+T parameter of the second FX’s pages.
Can I use AMP param to play on FX2 ?
Thank you !