Amon Tobin Imperfect Rooms


could listen to him talking all day long :upside_down_face: hero


Ya he’s dope. We brought him to Whistler in the late 90s and he played a super small show - super nice guy.

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My first Dj name was Nova because I loved his track by the same name.

Then found out some Epic Trance Dj had taken it so it was back to the drawing board.

Dude has one of the softest and most inviting voices I’ve ever heard. Could pick up some side money recording self help audio books.

Remember seeing him play at some festival in 2008 on the main stage and he played his slayer reign in blood remix… blew my mind - was epic!

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I prefer Adventures in Foam over is newer stuff though :man_shrugging:t2:
Although there’s some good stuff on Foley Room.
Easy Muffin is prob my favorite which is on Bricolage and done with I believe the S6000 and VP9000.
Nothing but respect for his exploration-path-progress though.
His newer sound I believe owns a lot to the Haken Continuum icw hypersensitive mics

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lot’s of modular recently

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