Amiga Soundtracker Samples on Digitakt

so i’ve been making use of these samples quite a lot in my renoise work, but would like to start using them on the elektron digitakt. the problem is that the digitakt has no option to turn off interpolation, so every sound is heavily filtered when played at its “normal” speed.

is there any way i could say, batch process and resample each .wav to be 16bit and 44.1hz while also keeping each samples original playback speed and aliasing? i’ve seen links to a 16 bit version of the pack around, but the mediafire link is dead so i’m not sure if this is what i would be looking for. are there any pieces of software that would be able to process these samples like this?


I threw these on my rytm and the Amiga sound source disk on my OT !

DT is basically protracker anyways do it up !

i’m just looking for a way to retain the original crunchy sound of the samples, as opposed to the filtering you get when transposing them on the digitakt

Just sample them in over USB while playing them in your DAW or whatever, catch the audio. Don’t know how many there are though so maybe not viable.

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Here’s an album that involved some of my friends making new tunes for the Amiga using the ST-XX samples loaded into the Amiga , definantly listen to goto80’s track he’s legendary!


And here’s one of the best full Amiga mixtape made by 4mat Mixed on an Amiga , get you guys in the Amiga groove … “ONLY THE AMIGAAAAAA, CAN MAKE IT POSSIBLE ! “


Sox is the most straightforward tool for converting raw 8-bit or 8SVX IFF format Amiga samples to 16-bitt/44.1kHz WAV files. Keep in mind that you might need to play around with the upsampling parameters to get the correct target pitch.

For example, drums were often sampled at higher rates (D# or F instead of C in the highest octave of whatever tracker was used) to make them sound a bit less dull. Chromatic sounds are often at C (but not always) which means they’re 16726 or 8363 Hz depending on how far up or down whoever sampled them wanted to play them (or how much memory they had available ;)).

Amiga didn’t need file extensions to recognise file types, so you can’t know whether a file is in raw or 8SVX IFF format without looking into it. A lot of people assume all Amiga samples are raw which is why you often hear a sharp blip at the beginning of converted Amiga samples; that’s actually the 8SVX IFF header and not sample data that should have been converted.

This is all to say that automatic batch conversion might not give you the results you’re looking for; for best results you’ll need to do this manually, or in groups of similar samples and then check the result.

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… and, btw: the Digitakt wants 16 bit / 48kHz wavs … 44.1kHz is for the Octatrack. :wink:

Hi ! Thanks for the samples pack ! I’ve been a huge fan of the Amiga for… Well… A few decades, and still listen to Amiga protracker modules regularly !

There is still a nice scene around this machine : games, demos, FPGA recreations, “modern” OSes, etc. Check out some recent Amiga demos on Youtube, like Eon by the Black Lotus (amazing A500 demos) or The Fall !

Will I be able to use those samples on my (incoming) model:samples ? Would be great !

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Note, the original Internet Archive item linked above might have improperly converted some of the 8SVX samples to WAV/AIFF without trimming the header (see comments on item). Another user uploaded this item in an attempt to address that:

If I’m interpreting that user’s guidance properly, some of the loop start markers may have still been lost in the conversion from IFF to WAV…?

Here’s the first 4 packs prepared for Digitakt by Red Means Recording


Is it just me or is it kinda shady that he’s charging for reformatting sample packs that he doesn’t own the rights to?

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:man_shrugging: he does address it at the end

It’s the processing of what is in effect public domain samples. To me, the work to curate, correctly pitch, organize, slice prepare, and otherwise arrange them is worth paying for.


Fun thing by RMR - some factual errors in that video though :slight_smile:

Made a similar project some years ago on the Model:Samples, converting the original Amiga ST-01 disk and replicated a song step by step. The samples were automatically named and converted (the script to do it is visible in the video). Some more Amiga and tracker history as well:


Nice 1h beat-tape from RMR

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I know a lot of people here have been put out by Jeremy from RMR. I think he screwed up once by leaking info about a release here, and was apparently quite defensive about it. He also does for sure do plenty of meta-youtube-content-creator videos, where he criticizes the whole framework. But for all of that, I think his heart is very much in the right place, and he wears his heart on his sleeve, for better or for worse. And personally I think his musical skills are super impressive, not to mention the teaching value he provides. I’ve said it here before…his Chilling with the Digitone series is really outstanding, and his “Track from Scratch” videos are great clinics, very well presented.

This particular project is really impressive to me. Doing a dive into how central the Amiga was in the evolution of electronic music, from the chip itself to the creation of tracker-based sequencing…was very cool, even if he did get a few things a bit wrong (e.g. Commodore’s Vic-20 and C64 were very much personal computers that preceded the Amiga). And all of the work he did to prepare these samples is no joke…that’s a lot of time and love. Add to that the mix-tape you posted…very inspiring use of those samples for sure, and for any Digi user, a clinic in performing with mutes and CTRL+ALL.


This best tape was so good, just flat out TIGHT!