All of my scenes went blank... I have no idea why

Hello. So I was performing the other night and at some point in my set I must have accidentally hit something that made all of my scenes in every bank stop working. All of the lights are there when I hold down a scene button but they’re all the same and set to no effects. I’m guessing that I probably won’t be able to recover them but does anyone know why this happened? Thank you.


“Rusty to the Rescue” has a nice ring to it.

Are the scenes muted? That’s happened to me a few times


sounds like you just accidentally muted your B scene (red led should be next to scene B), you can mute by pressing function and the button next to scene (from memory, dont have OT on to verify)


yep scene was muted. i knew about this function but totally forgot about it and panicked lol… thank you guys for the reminder!