Alesssandro Cortini on Art+Music+Technology

he’s used tons of euro though. for a while he was using a complete harvestman system. i think he likes the idea of one manufacturer systems as instrument. invest in the complete vision of the designer… or something. we all have our own way of relating to the gear we use, the process etc… his is as valid as anyone else’s.


I think you’re thinking of when he was using a Livewire/Plan B system with NiN, in a custom Haliburton case. I definitely oggled the sh*t out of that thing back in the day…

I like the sentiment of sticking with one manufacturer with euro though; if only to allow you to focus. that’s why I bought a Shared System.


yeah… he also did use a full harvestman system. it’s in one of those video interviews in his studio from years back.

scott made him the sonoio synth for that release as well