
I find this sexy little box - very wonderful

Do you own one? Have you played with one?
or are you speculating based on videos etc?
I personally found their teaser lacking.
I love the monome. Still dragging my feet on finishing my 256 kit but I love the concept and community behind it.
I would love to play with an Aleph to see if it’s worth my dropping the cost of a tempest on it.

speculation on the first video… the one with the violin.
I really love every sound in that clip. the looping and percussion. I mean love it!

I do find it a bit “expensive” and would have to see more before buying one… but it won’t take a big push.

between this and the frosted chained box - I may be in for a financial hemorrhage. :smiley:

also… for that kind of money, it really should have some kind of sequencer built in. And Monome has the knowledge and background to do that.

But, it’s still as minimalist and sexy as everything they do.

There was a thread on the aleph here several months ago, if you’re interested in checking it out.
