Akai 'Tom Cat' / 'Timbre Wolf'

[quote="" I’m clunky""]

can say the same about a tin can, cept you get to eat first :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: [/quote]
Yes you can! : )

That gum is just completely insulting as a viewing customer. The only person who may be able to get away with that is Amos from Moog only because he’s presenting kick ass products with such enthusiasm the gun would be the last thing on your mind. This guy presenting these products, i see nothing but the gum. [/quote]

Implying I plan on being one of their customers lol.

And yeah, I’d say the same shit about any product presenter because it’s annoying as fuck. I’ve seen more gimmicky products presented without “so this smack smack is what customers asked her so smack here you go smack

That gum is just completely insulting as a viewing customer. The only person who may be able to get away with that is Amos from Moog only because he’s presenting kick ass products with such enthusiasm the gun would be the last thing on your mind. This guy presenting these products, i see nothing but the gum. [/quote]
Aww man stop bashing this akai guy.
The products Sound really bad and he knows that.
How enthusiastic would you look if you have present a load of shit.[/quote]

Can’t argue with that lol. In all fairness, the guy does provide some comedic relief amongst the plethora of product presentations I’ve seen this week. I think it’s funny that the YouTube comments are 70% “talking” about the product, 30% talking about the presenter.

Paint the series PINK and slap a “HELLO SHITTY KITTY” label on them! Four cats crying sound more in tune than this crap. Akai should just roll over and die. Used to be such an innovative company along with Alesis and M-Audio…all under Numark, with parent company of InMusic, where they ALL go to die a very slow death.

If it were not for shitty DJ’s, this company would have rolled over and died long ago! RIP!

I found myself watching the Timbre Wolf video more than one time just because it is so laughable. Best sentence: “And it also has of course REAL SIMULATED wood (…) sides.”

That moment when he says: “You can also play in unison mode!” That face is priceless.

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Can’t… stop…

^he looks like he’s wearing a really bad syrup & it’s sliding off his head in those shots! :sob: :joy:

[b]“What has become of my life? I had hopes, dreams… now?”

<4 slightly out of tune fart noises play from the speakers>[/b]

To be fair, the concept is kind of novel and I do really appreciate that. I don’t know another synth that allows you to switch out of mono/poly/unison so easily and give such direct control over each voice.
I don’t own one so correct me here, but I think the mm/a4 work similar but don’t they kind of turn all voices to the same parameters in poly mode?

Dude seems like a cool guy and I know he’s a synth geek, so he’s well aware of what these new akai synths are not, but synth geeks is not who these are targeted for anyway.
So do cut the guy some slack, its just a job.

This is a good point but if it’s not for synth geeks, maybe get somebody closer to the relevant market to demo it or talk about it? Watching the “demo” of Overbridge and hearing the knowledge/passion about it compared to this - night and day. Even the Aria mixer demo had more passion in it.

:+1: :+1: :+1:

I find this dude very amusing and actually i like the tomcats crappy sounds. Its quite nice to see that someones not all that serious about their god damn synths. Oh no! This shit cant make me sandwiches! Its fucking beta. Akai is not pointing these at synthnerds. Its for those who like something else than blocks of boring analogue pads from machines that about 40 years ago was modern.
But the A4 actually can play all its four polyvoices with different sounds. Its a really nice feature it got.

Totally with yall on this. I think that the honesty and passion comes through in other companies, and in the end, delivers a better product.

Thanks for the clarification - that is cool to know.

The original Akai went out of business years ago, this is just somebody else using the trademark.

Well, the Casio VL-Tone was a cr@ppy synth that doubled up as a calculator and was popular with schoolboys (my best friend had one, as I remember), yet it featured in a number one record (Da Da Da by Trio) and was used on the seminal 1981 album Dare by the Human League, for an interpretation of the Get Carter film theme.

Mind you, expectations were a lot lower in those days.

Picture taken from gearslutz forum by AnaloGuy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Is this the Akai guy? Cool that he’s got another job to fall back on if Akai does go down the shitter.

ha, excellent!

While this might be a pretty unpopular opinion, I actually think that it will be interesting to see what people make with these instruments. In a way, this is reminiscent of what I understand to be the early 1980s when the 303/808 were released. They were largely a flop, considered to have bad sounds, etc.

That said, I played with a Rhytym Wolf my friend got and didn’t like the sound much, but it very much works with his sound because he is an industrial act; hes running it through both EQ and Overdrive anyways. The Howl knob is basically useless though, it sounds much better with an outside overdrive which luckily are very cheap.

I think that ultimately interesting music will be made with these hyper cheap gears because really; many many musicians aren’t gear nerds nor do they care about other peoples opinion on gear.