Akai MPC One [ Retired : Search for MPC Thread ]

THIS. On the Live and the X with the possibility to use an internal HD/SSD it’s not really that important, but on the MPC One the SD slot is the only storage available.

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I’ve been using a Kingston 128gb SDXC-card on my Live ever since I bought it. It’s been working like a charm. I didn’t even know that it shouldn’t be compatible.

Nope. You can still attach an external USB SSD to the one. Or to any other recent Akai standalone.

The 2GB RAM (which in reality only equals to around 512MB of ACTUAL RAM for samples due to the silly 32bit conversion thing these devices do internally) is still the biggest bottleneck, and pretty much forces one to use either internal drum programs and/or external MIDI for pulling off longer sets. OT is still king for playing stems kind of gigging.


Looks like the MPC One is in stock and ready to ship on Guitar Center. FYI.

I’m curious about the new sounds

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I’ll have to find the link, but I read from an Akai rep that it’s not officially supported.
So any support or service you may need when using that card wouldn’t happen.

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When they say SDXC isn’t compatible doesn’t it just mean that the card isn’t able to work at full speed ?

From sandisk page :

SDXC cards will work in SDHC compatible readers (not SD readers) if the computer OS supports exFAT

Edit : I mistook SDXC with UHS that’s why I thought it had something to do with speed.

Got my shipping notification yesterday. Excited to play with my first MPC. I will be using this to sequence and sample my modular gear. I doubt the pads will see much action!!


Damn it… Guitar Center not too far away from me has them. Not sure why I’m GAS’ing for it… I seriously (like really and exceptionally) don’t need one. :laughing: This is the first MPC that’s caught my attention aside from the 2000’s back in the day. And I didn’t need one of those either! :rofl:


you’re buying an MPC to NOT use the pads?! That’s like buying a car to NOT drive… :laughing:

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The MPC One looks promising, but all this discussion has led me to revisit my MPC-1000 running JJOS. I have to admit that the simplicity of non-touch screen of the older MPC’s has its appeal. Or, perhaps I’m doing my best to avoid the pitfall of this embedded sense of planned obsolescence and G.A.S. that seems to always get me.

I’d be curious to hear reviews and comments from those that are transitioning from older generation to newer generation MPC’s.


Stupid G.A.S. I read this thread last night and ordered one of these from Guitar Center and now it’s ready for pickup. AUGH. I also have a Pioneer Squid coming today. I really wanted to try that out for some fun sequencing but really cant afford both. AND, have an MC 707 coming next week.

Guess I can try them all with my current stuff and return what I dont want to keep…I just have too many…I still have not learned my 1010 Black Box enough yet. OMG.

AND i dont even play any instruments or make music or anything…I just love music and since I bought my kid a Roland JDXI 2 years ago, I fell in love with all hardware synths, drum machines, sequencers, etc. I cant stop…stupid hobby!!!

AND, I already have an MPC Live that I gave to my kid but he said I could still use it anytime…but I just want my own…OMG…no more!


When you don’t make music, why do you buy instruments?
Better start making music then!

Srsly, stop that buyin´then!
Waste of money x1000!

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Thank you…please tell me this over and over and over and over.

I’ve had both. Preferred finger banging on the MK3 :stuck_out_tongue: .
Those pads were sick and the velocity adjustments you can make on it are incredibly responsive. Just hated everything else about the MK3 (I.E. NI software). The Push 2 pads were stiffer and a lot smaller, but the interface with Ableton is absolutely seamless. However, I always wanted a slightly larger screen and less pads on it (didn’t really need 64 of em for what I was doing). On both of them - they 're fairly large in size, where I had to use a stand for each as my desk was too small.

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… and maybe it won’t work out for my needs. However, on paper it seems perfect for the low price I paid for it. Sequencing, FX, CV outs, sampling and export to Ableton Live (was the killer feature for me). Looks like the perfect little sketchpad for modular gear before final arrangement and mix in Ableton. I’ve never been interested in finger drumming. I have a Maschine controller that has never been used but I do enjoy sequencing rhythms in Maschine. Same goes for Elektron Rytm pads!! Used for navigation only.

Yea - I don’t finger drum either. I actually hook a midi keyboard up to the MPC. The box is more than just the pads…

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No worries man, just a little light-hearted humor. Best of luck on the adventure.

Only thing that works for me when I reach the “I neeeeeeed this”-stage is to cut off all enticing information sources until I start using the stuff I have. Then it ALWAYS feels very rewarding and fun and the urge to buy new stuff fades away quickly.

Need to repeat this a couple of times a year, though :laughing:.


I need to repeat that a couple of times a week!

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