AK4 Feature request


it seems it is time for it:

Joystick and Aftertouch could be record in SEQ
Click only headphones or routeable to individual out only

some other features are list at the A4 request thread.

and for marketing:
A bundle of an analog four with a pair of glasses :slight_smile:

+1 for recording joystick data to the Sequencer.

I’d like to see independent volume for the sub oscillators.

Also some multi breakpoint envelope shapes for modulatable weirdess.

lol. Just realized you made this thread… :stuck_out_tongue:

the behavior when you trigger extern equipment via
CV and seq and you want only trigger a midi device via external keyboard mode Art at the same time, the keyboard sends CV note signals to the CV device too.Imho External keyboard mode has to cancel note commands to CV output.