Hi, I’n new here and trying to get my head around my new AK sequencer. Tried to find an answer here and in the manual but my AK seems to show different behaviour.
I have several questions about sequencer mode behaviour. I like patters with different loop lengths, so changed sequencer to complex in sequential mode and made 1 track 12 steps long and playing set to infinite. I discovered I cannot change patterns while track LEN(ght) of one of the tracks is set to infinite in complex seq mode. Only when i stop the sequencer will it change to a cued pattern. So i read I for this to work properly need to set the value in CHNG. That’s the amount of steps needed until it changes to a different pattern. But my AK it does not do that, the pattern number keeps blinking, it’s still in cue. Again only after stopping it jumps to the cued pattern.
So a workaround could be to calculate the amount of steps needed for a seamless loop point, set this amount in “LEN” and set a value for CHNG accordingly for it to work like I want it to. But i cannot help thinking it’s supposed to work as described above. Does anyone else has this problem. Is this a bug?
Also, when pattern mode is set to “direct jump” it immediately jumps to the first step when I change a pattern, the same as like in “direct start” mode. So the sequencer flow is interrupted. How is this supposed to work? I thought the sound set is supposed to jump to the next and the pattern moves to the next one after finishing…
Would appreciate some help here, tnx.