AK owners - how is it as a midi controller?

Hey AK owners - wondering about how the AK works as a Midi controller.

I’m asking because it would replace my A4 and Virus, which I use both as a synth module and a controller. So in the Virus I disable local control, and then send midi to the Monomachine, which only routes notes back to the Virus if I select that track on the MM.

Since there’s no manual I’m not sure if this is possible. Ideally I could just select the CV track to control midi, or perhaps do the same thing I do with the Virus now (disable local control so the midi controller and synth module components of the AK effectively behave indepently).

How do you like your A4 as a midi controller? They will be about the same in this regard.

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I use the AK to control my whole rig, except sequencing obviously. The chain looks like this:
AK out-OT in
OT out-AK in
AK thru-XV2020 in
XV2020 thru- Sub Phatty in
With this setup I can control any Midi channel I want easily from the Midi Ext Setup menu, giving me access to:
Midi ch:
1-8 OT samples
9 Sub Phatty
10 XV2020
The remaining midi channels are reserved by the AK and the OT:
11-14 Tracks 1-4
15 Effects
16 OT Autochannel

So it works great as a midi controller IMO, but it all depends on your setup I guess.



That’s a pretty similar setup to mine, the only difference being I use the Monomachine to sequence rather than the OT. Now I just need a case that I know works and I’ll order one of these things :slight_smile:

Ive got AK connected to computer via USB

can receive midi and be used as a controller. I have my AK at my desk, replacing my Axiom midi controller. works great. Im guessing none of this surprises you though lol

Good point. In respect of the Virus the knobs do not send cc midi messages just not assignable to a vst plugin.

Guessing the AK’s keyboard, transpose key and joystick all send receive midi. Do the knobs?

the joystick controls 3 things -

left/right: pitch mod
up: mod wheel
down: breath controller

and of course the various directions are interpolated. But yea you could set up a similar controller with something like Lemur

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Hey JunoVHS,
I saw that you are running smooth w/ your AK connected to your DAW.
I have my AK connected to my Mac via USB. I am trying to have a MIDI track in Logic play through the AK.
I have a separate audio track set up for the AK.
I’m not having any luck getting it to platy.
Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks for any help!

Hi all, I’m hoping you might give some advice about a snag I’ve encounted with external midi control.

When I have Midi Ext activated the AK only controls my external midi gear, which makes sense. However, when I deactivate the Mixi Ext I hear both my midi gear and the AK synth tracks. Does anyone know why the AK would still be controlling the external gear, despite having the Midi Ext button deactivated?


Somewhere in the midi config page is setting for encoder/key destination - you have it set to int + ext rather than just int - flip it to int and should work as expected.

Somewhere in the midi config page is setting for encoder/key destination - you have it set to int + ext rather than just int - flip it to int and should work as expected. [/quote]

in my mind a4 has one weakness as midi controller - this machine is so very expensive to be a midi controller…

The lack of MIDI sequencing was a deal breaker for me. I need a MIDI controller to be capable of both. So I ended up using Ableton Push as the heart of my rig again, which I’m not overly happy about, but it ticks more boxes in that regard than anything else I’ve found.

does anyone know if it is possible to split the keyboard so that one half can play an internal sound and the other half play external midi?

Yes, it’s possible in multi-map mode.

A keyboard would help too…

It’s an excellent MIDI controller, subject to being three octaves of course. I had a moment and sold my OT+MnM pairing, and bought an AK when I’d worked out it can do what I wanted it for.

I tend to use my hardware setup and computer setup separately most of the time. I have the AK sending out MIDI Clock and Transport to a Virus C, which I play with the AK as controller and use the AK internals at the same time, plus a Volca FM and (only arrived today) Volca Beats, all syncing to the AK.

I’ve got the CV outs wired to my home-built 5U modular, but haven’t dived in to this area of the AK yet as I’ve been truly absorbed by the AK’s own voices and keep ‘losing’ a few hours getting totally into it.

Keyboard feel is a very personal thing, but I really like this one, just right for my liking, and I love the joystick and the aftertouch, really well implemented and they both feel like an integral part of the instrument.

I run Ableton and Pro Tools on an MBP too, but most ideas that don’t start life on the hardware setup tend to get going on another laptop (Surface Pro 3) whilst I’m travelling for work, in Ableton, and then get worked on further at home. When there’s something I have done or want do do on a production involving the hardware, I sync the AK to Ableton over the USB connection and record audio back into the computer. I haven’t tested to see if it syncs the rest of the hardware downstream at the same time as slaving to the computer sync, so I don’t know if that works or not. Wouldn’t be a problem, to be honest. A lot of the time I just play stuff and record audio into the computer real time.

I haven’t tried Overbridge yet. And due to the way I work, it may be some time before I’m sufficiently bored to give it a go.

In short, after about five weeks, the AK is the best sounding, best built, nicest feeling and inspiring synth I have ever owned, and I’ve had quite a few over the years. Highly recommended.


Nice to hear your positive view. Love mine too.

At a practical level I knew it would do stuff, I had listened to lots of audio, and I’d previously had OT, MnM (2, but not at the same time), and MD, but I was unprepared for just how damned coherent it is as an instrument. A very nice surprise.

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