AK deep bass demo

Anyone have both the AK and A4 and can provide demos of the same patch(s) on both?

I wanted to see if the AK is a justifiable purchase.

Many thanks.

I’ve thought it quite odd too, that nobody has posted an example of this. Even Elektron could have done this by now?!

I’m guessing it is going to be very difficult to hear the difference (if it’s even possible).

I would love to see it as well though. :slight_smile:

I have no problems getting bass out of my A4, I also have a Minitaur though…the AR has loads of bass without even trying. :slight_smile:


It would be good to know what was changed though. Does the filter behave differently during a sweep of the cutoff or is there some simple EQ bass boost going on. Can anyone who owns both, do us a quick sample? Cheers

if you search some past threads you will find there was some mysterious tweaking to give it more bass

I would love to see the comparison but just because

I’m not worried about it or anything.

No one? How about just posting some factory bass patches from the AK?

yes please! i`d be very interested in this too

My 2ct:

Had the A4 sold it, now the AK. (Since today)
I could NOT note any notable differences on my monitors or headphones. Both provide great basses. For me the upgrade was a matter of workflow and not sound.
If you have troubles getting low end out of it there are plenty of tips here @elektronauts and the old elektron-users forum…

Nevertheless i would be interested in someone providing a direct Bass Battle :slight_smile:
Maybe my ears and intestines are wrong

I currently have both but don’t have the time to do a proper demo yet. all of the preset patterns sound exactly the same on both models.

When OS 1.1 came out, they added Filter 1 Res boost which is on by default for all sounds as far as I know. I think this is where they added the enhanced bass. Analog Keys shipped with this by default, and when A4 users upgraded people were saying they were getting better bass response.

The A4 has some odd characteristics to the Oscillator shape which are dependent on Filter 1’s Res, cutoff and overdrive settings. I think they changed the default settings of the filter to provide for better bass response sine this was a common enough complaint about the A4.

I don’t have a Analog Keys to test but I’d be surprised if they were any different since the OS update.