AK As a midi keyboard - global off?


Taking the AK for a test run and hit a bump.

Been through the midi parameters and “skimmed” the manual.

I’ve set up and have external gear in Cubase 7 running fine.

The only issue is with the AK I can not see how to swicth local off.

In other words so the AK only sounds when it’s midi channel and audio output is selected.

For exampled

JD800 - Gloabal off within the synth menu - when selecting a track in cubase it only plays that track’s assigned instrument.
AK - No global off - whgatever track is played, the AK’s audio is still heard.

Cheers in advance :slight_smile:

Back to RTFM and off to staples to get it printed. Hate reading of screens.

PS : OS upgraded to latest 1.1 fwiw

Enable the MIDI Ext button above the joystick.

LOL Answered my own post : MIDI Ext button (ReadTFM :alien: )

Got to get my head round this kit, it’s now as fluid as other gear I’ve used but will drop in place eventually no doubt…

Any tips for mdi controlling most welcome…

Thansk TSV :slight_smile: