AH display

…ok…brand new ah right out of the box…right next to my a few weeks old dt…

…and all that “now with oled displays” hype started with the ah, right?

because to me, this ah display does’nt look or behave like an oled display at all…
… i got the dt right next to it, and yes, on the dt i can clearly make out all the advantages of an oled display…

but the ah display seems just a mess…
from my workingposition in the studio, from where i handle the dt fine, all i can see on the ah is some orange lcd rectangle with another, a bit darker lcd rectangle in the center of it…while i can read out clearly what the dt has to say, right next to it…!

back and front moving viewing angle is poor…and sidewise it’s even more poor…really narrow…
even my old ot with it’s old classic lcd screen does way better…

so this is no oled display to me…just a bad and also very dark lcd screen, end of the day…but at least in a fancy colour…hey!

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Heat screen type