Ah! A video of this elusive beast

It sounds tuff.

8 outputs? Or is it outputs plus inputs or CV?


:slight_smile: :kiss: :+1:

I’m seeing 8 individual outs, input, stereo master outs and headphones reading from left to right. Pretty decent IMO, time to buy a fist of insert cables.

Where do you see 8 indidividual outs?

I count 1 Headphone out, 2 stereo master outs, and 5 other out/inputs.

The rest is midi and USB.

That’s some master-class trolling with the sample from Roland’s TR-808 video…

Beauty I need a new drum machine,and sampler too bonus!

yep - def says tip/ring for those individual outs - nice

Ahahaha hahaha, “electronic music and dance did not yet exist in 1980”, you bold bastards, I hope you don’t get sued for that. :+1:

Anyway, made my day!

You are right!

I my dreams the one next to the stereo out reads “in left” and “in right”…

That would be awesome…

Buy my tempest!


What a move. : )

And yes, definitely double output jacks on this one.

Damn, if this machine can sample on its own…

gas in the making here I think.

EDIT: and here’s the first, shorter video:

Love it - however, the pads on the left??? … hmmmm that was a strange design decision. Most people are right handed.

Place it right next to another elektron box, everything will be on the right then :wink: .

seems legit

" what does the retrig button do? " … blabla… not working right now… if you hold it and then press it will go TRTRTRTRTRTR…"


  • it has a RETRIG button
  • it’s not working yet.

I’m glad to see it has a decent amount of outs. That is one disappointing aspect of the A4.

Aside from wondering about the interface etc, I’m particularly interested in knowing what the voice architecture is. Is each of the eight channels dedicated to a particular instrument with dedicated circuits? I hope so. One reason I think the Tempest is disappointing is because it’s the same voice architecture for everything. A kick made with a general architecture doesn’t sound the same as one with a dedicated circuits viz. 808.

Then again, digitally controlled, perhaps Elektron can make general circuits do lots.

hehe! I’m quite tickled by how much concern this whole ‘pads on the left’ thing has caused here with the AR ! Guess if you are just totally right handed then maybe…

One advantage of my relatively old-school musical education is that I started on piano…& then spent years playing keyboards on x-stands / A frames…usually arranged at 90 deg…so either hand is good for me :wink:

hm… the individual outputs section of the IO labelling has text of varying width for the outs… imo a pretty good sign that it has specialized, fixed voices for the individual instruments.