After visiting a Behringer fb group. I'm thankful for this community

I’ve been in the Behringer TD-3 fb group for a few months because I got one (i know, i know) and was having issues. Plus I was interested in what the mod community would do with them. I was on the page discussing the controversial offer Behringer made to the original Devil Fish modder to design one for them. It almost immediately turned into name calling and people ranting about how Behringer is the best and everyone else are just hater gear snobs. Really made me appreciate the Elektron community. If i need good objective and rational discussion on gear I can come here.


The Elektron group on Facebook made me quit Facebook in totality. Same shit. Name calling, trolling, finger pointing… it was an awful experience.


I wonder if those were the same people who were screaming bloody murder when Behringer did their lame teaser videos.


There’s been plenty of that here, we just have the benefit of active moderators who help calm things down when necessary


Long live the moderators.


:bowing_man: thanks for the kind words!
Much appreciated.
But I share the feeling that this community is particularly interesting and helpful, compared to other corners of the internet.


I think the problem might be less about Behringer than it is about Facebook.


Social Media in general and Facebook especially is pretty convenient for any kind of hatred since you can do it all in one spot. Wanna talk shit about certain products/people/animals/drinks/… while also commenting on that funny pic your friend just posted and at the same time getting confirmation from your filter bubble how you‘ve got it all figured out while everyone else is a sucker? Facebook got you covered…


Facebook is a hole, don’t bother unless you find strongly moderated groups.


There’s a Model:Samples and Model:cycles groups on FB that are alright. They’re mainly new users asking basic questions, but I’m ok with that, and I try to help out as much as I can. Peeps gotta start somewhere. The main Elektron one can be a bit snobby, but I don’t think it’s the worst. FB in general attracts fools.

This place is mostly very cool. The strong modding is a plus.

There’s a couple of other web boards that have a good vibe. I Love Fuzz and OffsetGuitars can be a little bit cliquey, and there’s a few ultra purists on OSG, but in the main they have a good spirit and a unique atmosphere.

GS, obviously you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. I kick myself for wandering over there from time to time. I never comment and get out as quick as I can.

The weirdest one for me is TalkBass. Bass was my first instrument, so it holds a special place in my heart. But that place is full of the most neurotic freaks. Constant threads with people worrying that they won’t be taken seriously in their worship group with a blue Jazz Bass, and looking for validation that they shouldn’t Have bought a sunburst Precision instead. Endless Squier vs Fender vs boutique battles. Absolute fanatic idol worship of Jaco Pretorius - who absolutely no one but obsessed bass players could possibly listen to. I always thought photography boards were bad, full of know-it-all middle aged bearded fat guys with ignorant opinions, more money then sense or manners, who dismiss everything but the most high end stuff as toys., but unfortunately it turns out bass players are the worst. As a keen photographer and bass player, it scares me to see my future self revealed in these places.


I can second that GS is the virus-infested Chuck E. Cheese ball pit of internet music technology discourse


I love Elektronauts and it’s really the only forum I’ve actively participated on. There have been a few heated exchanges that discuss politics and things of that nature here, but I find that most will keep it to a civilized exchange. I think people are just more nasty online because there is this force field of sorts and people lose all decency with that barrier in place.

It could also be due to miscommunication because non verbal communication through the internet can be confusing at times, hard to know sarcasm, excitement, or other emotions people might be trying to convey. I would think the moderators do an exceptional job here and it def. helps keep the peace. Thanks mods! is currently rebuilding after their system was wiped a few years back. I’m hoping once their community grows, it will be another gear forum as awesome and friendly as this one here.


Jaco Pastorius.

I’m not a bass player but I love his musical work.


I really feel at home here.


I’ve ghosted most of the gear forums over the years but this is the only one I’ve ever joined. Civility and a dash of positivity are rare commodities in most forums.
M-wiggle seems alright from what I can tell.
Gs is crazy. No thread seems to go more than a couple dozen posts without devolving into a childish brawl. I don’t get it. I’m just happy elektronauts exists.


Doh! Confusing rugby and bass! This is what photography forums have done to me. :tired_face:

I’d still rather listen to Jaco Pretorius though :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I hadn’t been on FB for almost a year, logged in recently to check out some details about an event. Took all but 30 seconds to realize why it had been so long. Its exhausting, and most of the people are cray cray. Too bad those people are friends and family…


Many years ago when I was still playing bass in earnest a friend (and exceptional bassist) gave me a Weather Report album to record and get an idea of some Jaco stuff. I was living with the folks at the time so I set everything up, got in bed with my headphones on and pressed record. I must have nodded off but I can remember having the weirdest dream/nightmare! Those Jazz chord changes upset my biorhythms :joy::joy::joy:


Agreed. I don’t always agree with their decisions, but in general they deserve our support for maintaining this very civil, functional, and productive forum.




Scale, niche interest, and moderators who care about community-building over arbitrary rules (which are ridden roughshod over by ruleslawyers anyway.)

I won’t go into the flaws of other forums but I appreciate this one!