AF MKII - System Bug Tuner + Fine

Hey everyone,

found a system error/bug for the OSC Setup TUN & FIN. If you turn the TUN to 0 or 127 the FIN will also change to max or min (see attached video). Can anyone check this too? To be sure its a global bug or a specific one of my AF?

*latest firmware 1.50


I’m not sure, but I don’t think this is a bug at all, but done by intention. This way you can reach the absolute min/max values without touching FIN.


i agree it’s not likely viewed as a bug per se, but it sure does bug me more than probably anything else as it can easily be improved from a UX experience - it can actually be a total PITA, that whole way of handling teh fine tune …

it’s not been done with a performer in mind, it’s really badly implemented and a lot of teh annoyances could be trapped quite easily such that you don;t end up in such undesirable places when it’s clear teh user hadn’t intended to get there - i p-lock pitch a lot by push-accelating, so this comes up all the time - i’ve mentioned it long before this post - probably way back in 2013 when i first noticed it tbh - it’s good to link them, but the implementation is a bit ‘lazy’ dare i say it or certainly not cognisant of how it can be used and the pitfalls of falling for it - there’s no neat out - it’s a ‘bug’ in my mind although the code isn’t needing a ‘particular’ mistake fixed, it needs an improvement with UX in mind - even just staying well away from LSB fine when adjusting coarse - it only needs trapping at either end to ensure it doesn’t go off-the-page when it’s run out of MSB travel

just my 2c

< / rant >


Thank you for your feedback.
I think there should be an option where you can set if the FIN is set with or not. Similar to the Digitakt update regarding the last view for the first or second page of the filters and LFOs.