Advice on Drum programming Toms? (Thank you all for the suggestions so far!)

What kind of music do you have in mind btw.?


…yeah…whenever u feel lost in drum programming…shorten all decays to almost nothing and see what u’ve got… :wink:


This is old school, but when it comes to the melodic side of techno, some of Jeff Mill’s releases on his Purpose Maker label are at core African rhythms where toms are an integral part of the groove, e,g,

Made me laugh, but I get where you’re coming from.


Synthwave is the most traditional way I would try.

Then hip hop.

But I usually produce DnB or EDM in general.



It’s a little work on the TR8S. A couple menus per tracks. But good idea.

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…get a takt…
…there it’s always just one little overall twist away… :wink:
which u can even adress with lfo…

while on a more traditional roland groovebox, u defenitly might wanna take a look on those pattern layouts @Annihilation_Squares provided here…heaps of basics to discover and easy to implement for endless groove discovery missions…


You can definitely use toms in a satisfying way, though maybe as a post-ironic gesture these days. Skee Mask uses them to nice effect at the begininng of this track:

(though in fairness it’s more of a throwaway pattern for the intro as the toms are soon laid to rest).


I got a Syntakt.

Are you saying get a Digi ?

I could never cheat on her.

But I think there are some Tom sounds. Just so bent, that they already solved the problem for me.

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I saw you talking about him on your thread about the kits you’re offering.

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I’m a bit obsessed. :grin:


…that goes for all Elektrons, except for the little knobby Models (which are even more hands on).

But Tr8s is pretty straightforward, too! IIRC you can put decay on the CTRL knobs (so decay is always right in front of you.


You can and that’s just how I’d do it.

That’s pretty much my go-to move thus far!

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…that one parameter twist to rule them all, can be found on pretty much all elektron devices…

and with such universal parameters like amp envelope’s decay, it’s also on multi twisted monsters like the syntakt just one twist away…

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Just copy Afro Cuban clave rhythms and you’ll be good

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can relate

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Personally no.

Personally no. I dont really do 4 on the floor.

Tricky. I’m a drummer, so put toms where I would play them as a drummer. Drum machine Toms can be amazing if you can pull it off, but I get why people dont like them. And you dont have to.

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Do you mind if I ask how to control the decay of all machines/tracks?

I know you can do it individually per track, but if you can do it globally…

Thants right… I usually put morph or course there… but if I remeber, it will save the settings of mutliple ctrl parameters… like put trig conditions for course, swap out for something else?

I think holding down a step and changing a value is a trig condition.

Thank you for this… Im going to go down the entire thread and try all of these suggestions just to get beast at tom work.

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I would ask where that is, but Im sure it depends on the song, and whats written for it.