Adding more fx's parameter locks please?

I wanted to pan reverb along with a sound and surprisingly I found out that one can’t do any parameter locks in Octatrack’s effect’s setup menus. It would be really nice for example to do a parameter lock/modulatiom of different reverb’s pan (balance) or reverb types during a sequence for a more effective sound design… Would you be able to add that feature please? Thank you for your consideration and time,

Vlado Mudrak

none of the second page parameters are lockable

quite an omission, very frustrating and no sign that it will come in an update

for me it was the first thing I noticed as a

“WTF I cant lock the filter env target settings” or something like that,

sadly another fail for the OT.

One thing that I really miss from the Monomachine is the ability to p-lock program change for external sequencing. I’ve gotten some crazy things using that with multieffect units, locking a step to a reverse reverb, another to a delay, etc. On the other hand, being able to p-lock the arp is awesome and hugely creative for me. It would be nice if settings in the sub-menus could be locked, but I suppose some sacrifices have to be made.

do people from Elektron read these posts? … based on my research, very little has been done for peoples’ requests… :confused: