Adam Jay Syntakt Dub Chord livestream

thanks @AdamJay! This is really good! Just one thing I was missing, but you may can answer here, can you smoothly modulate the wavetable? Are there soft interpolations between the waves?

If you use a slow LFO, it’s pretty smooth.

This is LFO to waveform only.

(Filtered Noise is from another track)

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I tried the shaker thing on my AR. It works really well and it adds a bit of life to a straight techno pattern or a sliced breakbeat!

Really enjoyed the video @AdamJay - no nonsense, just technique!


MI Braids with Elektron Sequencer :star_struck:

really nice! And not so harsh like other wavetables synths sound like (for example in the MI Braids module you can hear a shizzle in the topend which is I guess due the reduced sample rate / bit depth)

I just wished the Digitone could do this kind of stuff.

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And that was totally dry, no overdrive, analog fx block. Filters open, with amp reset off.
Start working those other tools, the 2nd filter, and there’s a fair bit of character to be found.

And you can have 8 of em!

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This is incredible stuff. thanks for sharing the love! This Syntaktischer machine is all but limited as I first thought. wow. I may have to start saving up :wink:

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