Hi all,
One thing about song mode has been bugging me for years now, but maybe i just fail to understand something here…
So: from what i know, you can only load a song when the sequencer is stopped and the machinedrum is in songmode.
when playing live, i often want to switch songs while the unit is playing, though… but it never works.
Am i missing out on something here? is there a way i can load songs while playing another song? and also when in pattern mode?
how do you guys deal with this?
thanks and regards
Good question.
I don’t have an answer, but am interested…
There are no possibility to manage the song change without stop the MD.

it’s one of the reasons i d’ont use the mode song.
to avoid the silent relative to change song, the only solution i see is to have another gear witch permit a soud continuity like another synth. This could manage good transitions 
to avoid the silent relative to change song, the only solution i see is to have another gear witch permit a soud continuity like another synth. This could manage good transitions 
hey elena, thanks, i always did it that way.
years ago when still going to school, i worked at a building site in summer for 4 weeks, thats where you learn how to do a proper lazy workaround 
but come to think of it-cant you open a song via sysex? maybe that works-will try when home.
on the other hand, the “forced” transitions you mention actually are a great opportunity, ive noticed that too playing live…
have had the md for 4 years now and some months ago i added the mm and they go so well together, also for masking those breaks when loading a new song.
oh, and that is a beautiful spelling of “d’ont” !
Hi manifold. A good solution for a live set is to create one song with all the tracks lined up. You can record a loop using ram machines at the end of one song and have this play ( filtered or whatever) while your next track /pattern starts. This is sort of like dj mixing. Also the loop functions within a song are interesting.
It is worth spending time creating this set song as once it is done you can jam on it really nicely. I created an excel file to enable me to write down song information from individual songs and then use it to create the set song from. If you want I can find it for you.
Nice avatar btw. Morpheus pulse rifles.