I’ve back and forth between using my A4 and using my Qunexus w/Midi expander for sequencing my Euro modular.
I’m back to using the A4 for now because I plan on playing out and it’s one less thing to drag around.
I set up CV/A as Lin Value being controlled by an Envelope.
CV/B as Pitch.
CV/C as Lin Value
CV/D as Clock.
Seems to be working well but I am having some issues. Some questions as well.
Should I turn down the Max value for the CV/A to +5 instead of +10? Isn’t that the standard for most Eurorack gear?
Should Value on CV/A & C be turned all the way down?
I tried P-Locking the Value for CV/C and it wasn’t doing much. Had it controlling the CV IN on my filter. Tried controlling the Value with an LFO and got something to work a little but it seems the very act of plugging in the cable causes it to change and changing the Value does nothing. I tried a few cables to make sure it wasn’t a cable issue. CV/C seems to be the only one doing this.
I’ve got 5U not euro, but I think +5v is fine.
Yes lin value of CV A&C should be at zero so whatever your sending it to is closed unless the envelope is triggered. Zero as well for LFOs unless you’re wanting to offset it for some reason.
In terms of P-locking you might find more interesting dynamic results from modulating the envelope destination depth or ADSR settings, as opposed to the CV lin value.
Think about it as the lin value on the CV channel as the baseline of your envelope and the destination depth on the env sets the peak. For LFOs your lin value should be the zero point and the destination depth will control the amplitude either side.
Hope that helps/makes sense.
Actually, just thought about that and tested it. Ignore what I said about LFOs.
For LFOs set the range -5 to +5 and your lin amount at 64. That way the centre of your LFO should be 0v. As far as your LFO depth, 64 there should output the LFO across the full -5 +5 range. Greater than 64 will exceed this and cause the LFO to flatten out at the top and bottom. Adjust to taste.