A4+ (which) controller

Hi guys!
there is on the market a controller that allows the A4 to behave like analog key? tnx

It depends, how many octaves do you need? There’s currently zero midi keyboards with three octaves out there.
Also, do you need the joystick? Be aware, that the joystick needs to be configurable bidirectionally on the Y axis. The Korg Microkey 25 can do this, but it’s only two octaves and has mini-sized keys.
Otherwise, if you use the external keyboard on the performance channel it will behave mostly like the AK. Though the keyboard will have to make up for the missing functions, like hold etc…

To summarize: you will need to find out what details of the AK are important to you. Then go to a store and try out some MIDI keyboards. Most of them can be configured pretty well, so you can even go beyond what’s offered by the AK. E.g. most keyboards offer drum pads (usally several banks are assignable) nowadays, so you could create e.g. a drum map for those. You could configure faders to control you track-volumes etc… etc… lots of possibilities.

The Korg Prophecy fits nicely with the control scheme of the A4. It has after touch, mod wheels and the performance log/ribbon.

tnx guys, what interests me is the HOLD button and the joystick…

Look into the ReMOTE SL series and X Station synth from Novation. You might have to find a work around for the hold/latch function, but both of those seem like solid controller options based on my limited research (I was in a similar position before I decided to get a blofeld keyboard).

…i know this will probably sound a bit like ‘selling stuff’ but hey :slight_smile:
for those of you looking for a joystick have a look here … the current version has a couple of MnM specific features (revert to saved and randomizer)
currently trying to sort things out with the enclosure for the final version (things have slowed down a bit unfortunately). just drop me an email if interested

I’ve got an xstation and A4. Happy with the combo though won’t claim to have looked into more advanced control from the xstation. It’s a great controller and IO interface if that’s needed. Works great with an OT thrown into the mix too.

The xstation’s joystick is not bidirectional on the Y-axis.

I don’t know if it is implemented in the A4 but usually Midi CC64 is sustain/hold. If the A4 reacts to it correctly it could be programmed to a controller button.

guga, sfx sound interesting. i have a MD an A4
i wait for the DIY kit tnx

Anybody try the a4 with a MnM sfx6?

Wondering if it works well as a controller, joystick etc… Seems like it would work second best to the actual Keys.

do you mean Analog4Keys?
or the A4 and its mini keyboard to play notes on the MnM ?
i got the A4, and waiting for my MnM to arrive …would be cool to do that …

i guess that should work pretty well actually…if someone here on the forum still has one it would be nice to see what comes out of it.

Ive just listed a Novation Remote SL61…amongst some other stuff, its a class piece of kit but i’m hell bent on raising funds for Analog Keys…!!

have a look if your interested!

do you mean Analog4Keys?
or the A4 and its mini keyboard to play notes on the MnM ?
i got the A4, and waiting for my MnM to arrive …would be cool to do that …[/quote]
No the monomachine keyboard as a controller for the A4. I Like the integrated nature of the analog keys but don’t really need another keyboard. I have an sfx6 and wondering if that would work really well with the a4.

do you mean Analog4Keys?
or the A4 and its mini keyboard to play notes on the MnM ?
i got the A4, and waiting for my MnM to arrive …would be cool to do that …[/quote]
No the monomachine keyboard as a controller for the A4. I Like the integrated nature of the analog keys but don’t really need another keyboard. I have an sfx6 and wondering if that would work really well with the a4.[/quote]
the joystick axis on the AK should control pitchbend, modulation and breath, same values which are used by the joystick on the SFX6 … gonna get an A4 soon :slight_smile: ?


Hey guys, just saw this new controller from Akai for Messe 2014.
It has a nice Joystick just like the AKeys.
Might be nice for use with the A4.
Peep the MPK Mini.

But say i had the xstation, could i then map the filter frec to one of the knobs on it? I like the a4 interface, just not a very big fan of endless knobs :slight_smile:

yep; i don’t know whether you can set the knobs on the xstation to send MIDI NRPN messages, if not, just use MIDI CCs

I have an X-Station mapped to my Mono. Easy to make a template with, makes it very nice to have all parameters at hand without looking through menus. I set the X-Station to autochannel so it’s easy to just change tracks and keep working.

You cannot send data from the Y-axis down, so you lose some of the functionality there, but you could use the touchpad in that case. I find it to be good enough for my needs to at least be able to map out 6 parameters to the joystick for more realtime control-I’ve got an FX track with delay on X-Left, amp on the Y, and filter on X-Right, and haven’t made any real music in a day or so because I’m having too much fun playing with the added control.

Anyhow, you should be able to do this with the A4 as well.