A4 user to Monomachine

i’m really familiar to a4, i want to buy a monomachine… i nedd to learn a lot or is similar ?

I find it completely different in the way you have to use it and to bend it to your needings.

The learning curve will be no steep.
Get confident with routings and how you can neighbor tracks and how to use Fxs.
You need to know some tiny things that will help the sound to come out properly.

Everything covered by the manual.

If you have specific questions, don’t hesitate to write in the Monomachine section =)


biggest ting with the monomachine is learning to use its vast routings.

setting up the standard 6 tracks each with their own sound is cool, but this baby shines when you start using neighboring tracks, re-routings through the buss mixer and trigger linking tracks. you can make hybrid dual or three osc synths (hell even 6 osc synths if you want, which are great for complex drones, segways, and pads)

aswell ive noticed the drums are actually more useful than you first think.
and the VO machine and FM machines are absolutely breathtaking

It is different because of the different synthesis engines you can use, so you will not see a lot of menus you know from the a4. Took me a bit to get to know them and to understand how they are working. I fell in love with the ensemble machines, you can make really nice chord stabs with those, check it out here:

Because of its 6 tracks you can get really nice tracks going while on the a4 you run out of tracks pretty quickly. It has a very digital sound (in my opinion) you have to like, it is not sounding like an a4 at all so you have to decide for yourself if you like that or not.

But as mentioned before: check out the different synthesis engines and what you want to do with them, the routing, neighbour and FX machines and you will be flying over the controls in no time.

I traded my MM for an A4 and i have to say i dont regret it at all. I actually love the A4, its the most used piece of gear in my setup at the moment. I guess the A4 and the MM go pretty well together because of their differences.

[li]Thanks to all !!![/li]