I’m trying to set up a midi chain via ableton with my A4.
Ideally it would work like this ableton usb midi out —> a4 usb midi in ----> a4 midi thru ----> Machinedrum midi in ----> machinedrum midi thru ----> various external synths.
Basically, ideally I can still sequence synths via ableton.
If I do this the chain stops at A4 (which is synced with ableton beautifully)
However, if I send the A4 to the machinedrum via the A4’s midi out I can get the machinedrum synced wonderfully as well, however this means the chain stops here and therefore i’m not sequencing any of my other gear with ableton.
Any ideas on a fix?
Two questions here:
First, for your problem, it sounds like the setup is OK. Perhaps something in the settings?
Second question (for me!), how do you setup the A4 usb midi in ableton? I have yet to do this, I just sync via midi. By setup, I mean, what do you turn “on” and do you pull it from a list of devices or anything? Maybe you can take a screenshot of the ableton setup panel?
Here you are:
But my problem persists.
Starting the chain from ableton I can sync my MD if I run it from the A4 out port, but the thru port does nothing. Meaning the chain stops at the MD.
Help anyone?
there’s no connection between USB midi and DIN thru, the DIN only echoes the DIN in ! very recent thread on this too
a multi port patchable midi i/o or midi thru box will always be a handy thing in a midi-centric studio, a few recent threads on these too - search 8 port midi !