When A4 will be updated ? Is there any chance to download the long awaited update tonight ?
Dec 9th
It’s been postponed to the 16th
sadly true
sadly true[/quote]
Can we have the beta patch to kill the wait?
Is the delay regarding bugs or the release of the keys?
I got a show on the 13th and would dig an update before then. That would be hella cool of elektron. Think of it like a Christmas present. Yeahhhhhh that would bee greattt. Thanks.
Usually not wise to install a major OS update just before a live show, just sayin…
I can see now why Elektron doesnt normally announce an update before its release. Expectations and speculation tend to get a bit out of control.
I’m confident that the new OS is gonna rock so hard.
Damm thats tomorrow …!
The machine will be like new! ^.^
Watting it… So long time… Urghhh…
Damm thats tomorrow …!
The machine will be like new! ^.^[/quote]
postponed, just so you’re not disappointed when it doesn’t drop tomorrow.
Damm thats tomorrow …!
The machine will be like new! ^.^[/quote]
postponed, just so you’re not disappointed when it doesn’t drop tomorrow.[/quote]
Are you serious? until when?
I do not hope Elektron makes a “Waldorf” where you postponed your things with 1-2 years…
i’d guess to the 16th, same day the AK starts shipping… but tbh i don’t know if they said that the AF update actually was postponed too… wasn’t something like mid-december mentioned on the phazebux?
It’d be nice of them to release the A4 OS update before the keys as little thank you to the A4 buyers(not that I’m saying the KEYS is just an A4 with Keys as that would be against some sort of law…and probably not an absolute truth)…especially the ones that have gone crazy trying/purchasing keys for it, and waiting for a year, as I have to the date, for polyphony. Throw us a damn taco, we can even bug test for the fancy keys people. Still, not complaining too much as the A4 has opened a lot of territory for me. While I’m wining like a fat pooch, can your throw an Egyptian scale or some gypsy scales on that taco, so I can plug it up the butt with the Octa.
has the 16th been confirmed or is it “mid december” ?
Is polyphony the big thing everyone’s waiting for? I can’t seem to fit chords into the stuff I make, maybe I’m just shit at mixing.
Maybe you won’t use all four notes in one chord, but how about two notes on one track and one note each for the remaining two tracks?
Apparently, the polyphony will be configurable. I wish the Monomachine had this ability!
Apparently, the polyphony will be configurable. I wish the Monomachine had this ability![/quote]