A4 Tutorial by seven-year-old kid


My Elektron-playing son (that recorded a song during Christmas in this old thread http://www.elektronauts.com/t/kids-using-a4-md-to-program-record-christmas-classic/2664) now has created a little tutorial on the Analog Four, from his point of view - including how to make a version of the Depeche Mode classic “Photographic” :slight_smile:

Here it is:


Great stuff!
My nine year old daughter knows her way around a lot of my machines
If your son continues to be interested in music machines he’ll be incredibly advanced by the time hes an adult

brought tears to my eyes :slight_smile:

just awesome

It’s funny, everyone at first is so intimidated by the elektron UI.

Owning the op-1, octatrack, a4, minitaur, microbrute and seeing how people approach each machine is fascinating

Everyone seems to levitate to the A4 first… very direct and straight forward and the results are immediate and rewarding. I will be showing everyone this video before we start practicing next time.

Thank you very much for posting this @beatscape

Big Ups to your boy!

Signed up to the forum just to say how cool I think this is! Great job by your son.

Sweet! Every1 is “kid for today”



Absolutely beautiful and inspiring! Thank you for posting!

It really underscores the simple essence and joy of creating patterns on the A4!

nice job!

Your son is incredible! Fantastic work, and I just love the sound of swedish in a kid’s voice, maybe it brings back memories from my childhood watching Pippi and Emil fra Lönneberget :slight_smile: Cheers!

Just awesome … wish I’d had the opportunity to learn at that age :slight_smile:

That is great! The future is safe!

Thanks for the kind words! I’ve told him about the reactions and he’s really happy about it :slight_smile:

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Your little man is absolutely fantastic!
Poor old Hector must know now that his time is well and truly up!

I’m not typically a fan of children in general, but this is truly amazing. Very inspirational and a testament to what can be accomplished with these machines, even without a proper manual or pro-tutorial videos. :imp:

Seriously. Awesome. What’s his soundcloud link?

Yes, it’s an interesting combination of simplicity and extreme power at the same time!

Seriously. Awesome. What’s his soundcloud link?

No own account yet, but maybe it’s time to get one :slight_smile: He and his sister programmed&sang this track during Christmas (A4 and MD): https://soundcloud.com/beatscape/jansson-kids-mer-jul
…and maybe it’s time for me to actually post something I’ve done myself :slight_smile:

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Really nice hehe.

Min svenska är inte så bra :frowning:

But it was cool to see anyway. Kids these days :slight_smile:

Just listened to the soundcloud… wow. Nicely done kids!

you must be the bestest dad in the world ?!?

giving your child this kind of inspiration and let it mess around on that expensive machine is just woooooow

words cant express … it’s like the opposite of giving your child the remote control to make it go quiet …

if you have some room in the house please adopt me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: