Has anyone successfully managed to trigger their Polysix’’ arpeggio trig in from an A4? Played around with it a bit yesterday, without much luck. I’m aware that an S-Trig is needed.
I have a poly61 and was able to send midi clock from A4 to it for the sync. They work well together. I imaging the polysix should be the same.
The (unmodded) Polysix doesn’t have MIDI.
Yes, no midi, but has an ARP TRIG input. I incorrectly stated “midi clock”, sorry about that. You would need to send clock data from the A4 CV outs to the ARP TRIG on your Korg. I believe you need to set A4 to send CLOCK as the CV CONFIG TYPE. If this is wrong or doesnt work for you, let me know and Ill set it up on mine again to get specifics for you. I installed midi on my poly61 so its been a while since I used the arp trig in.
If interested at all, I installed the modysix on mine. It was designed for the polysix but works on the 61 too. I highly recommend it. Reasonably priced and you can install it yourself with little technical knowledge. The midi alone is worth the price but you also get super cool sequencer features for the arp and more. The designer/seller was very friendly and helpful which is why Im plugging it here. more details:
Totally forgot to check back for replies to this. I blame the heat…
Yeah, my Polysix actually have midi. Bought it modded a few years ago. This probably explains why I’ve never tried the arp trig input. It’s not a big deal, but still can’t get this to work. Attempted both trigger out and gate out from the A4 (set to S-Trig), entered a few trigs on the A4 and started the sequencer. I was hoping I could get the A4 to step through the arpeggiator sequence on the P6 by doing this. However not getting my Polysix to react to the trig or gate in in any meaningful way, even when trying to adjust the voltage.
Korg arps use a negative trigger. Its not S~trig which shorts to gnd but an inverted pulse. You can use a sample of a trigger pulse and invert it in your sample editor. I dont know about the A4 options for this type of trig.
If you already have midi then it should be really easy. Just send midi clock from A4. Check all the global midi settings on your A4. Make sure your Korg is receiving on the same channel. Make sure A4 is playing when you trigger the ARP on the P6.
Note: This will sync your arp to the tempo of your A4. I dont think you can make your A4 play your Korg’s arpeggiator if that is what you are trying to do, you will still need to hold down the Korg’s keys or set it to latch. The Midi out capabilities are minimal on the A4 and you can only sequence other gear with the CV outs. The trig in on the Korg is not traditional CV in so you cannot sequence it with A4 this way either, you can only send clock so sync.
Through midi, you should be able to control parameters like arp time from the A4 by sending cc messages, if your midi mod allows it. You wont be able to use the A4’s sequencer to control your P6 though unless you can mod it with some cv ins.
After reading through this again, I think I originally misunderstood what you were asking and probably gave you more info than you needed…
The arp trig in is only for syncing the Korg’s arp time to other devices by sending clock data to the Korg. Thats it. You will not be able to use the A4 sequencer to sequence your P6. Not even with midi because the A4 doesnt offer that option with midi. It only offers that option with CV and the P6 does not have a CV in.
What you can control with midi will depend on what your mod allows. Whomever created the midi mod should have info as to what kind of midi data it will send and/or accept.
Ah, okay. I’ll won’t be bothering much with this then. I already have the P6 arpeggiator synched up to Live via midi. I guess I somehow hoped the arp trig in would make it possible to turn the A4/P6 arpeggiator combo into some sort of pseudo sequencer, having the P6’s arp move a step whenever it received a trig. Much like I can do with my SH-101. But I understand that’s not possible. No big deal.
Thanks for the help anyway!