A4 to CV only sends one pitch


I am using the A4 to control my microbrute with CV, but the microbrute only plays the pattern in one tone, even if the sequence has a different note on every step.

I have looked in all the cv menus but can’t find anything.

Does anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong?


Sounds like you got the CV and the Gate mixed up. Did you try swapping the leads?

also check the output cv type. i think you may need Hz/volt rather than the default volt/octave

Thanks. I go to CV settings, and change to type PITCH Hz/V, but then there is no sound whatsoever.

The only way it triggers the micro brute is type “Trig” or “Gate”.

The lead goes from CV AB on A4 to Gate In on the Microbrute.

Still only plays one pitch, strange.

Whatever key I press on the micrbrute, the A4 then plays.

I don’t have a microbruite, but try PITCH V/oct. That’s what I use when connecting to my modular, and it works great.

From what you are saying it sounds like you are only taking the gate signal from the A4 to the brute. You need a stereo 1/4" to dual mono 1/8" cable hooked into CV A/B on the A4, then set CV A to send the pitch(V/oct) and CV B to send the gate signal. Hook those into the respective jacks on the brute and away you go

Yep, as infinity curve said. You need to go 1/4" stereo to dual mono 1/8" (ie. you need to split the ring and tip from your 1/4" strereo cable). CV A should be set to GATE and B to pitch V/oct (or vice-versa).

Thanks, it seems an odd cable though - looking on ebay I can’t find, so you need to use adapters?

Hey DVF,
Firstly, the cable thing, i recommend getting an ‘insert cable’ from a music store, cutting the 1/4 ts off the ends and soldering on 1/8 ts. The settings of the A4 are as the ither guys say, one to gate, one to pitch.
HOWEVER, there is an anomoly with the brutes. I have both mini and micro and A4, so i’ve been down this path.
When you get the cables correct, you will find that when u start up, the brute wil produce a pitch wayyyy lower than mid c, until you press a key on the A4. Strangely, the brute will follow whatever key you hit on A4 as a root key. Its really messed up. Have been in touch with arturia who quote “absolute mode” … Whatever.

The brutes do not echo cv signals for pitch but do for gate. Pain in the arse.
I had grand plans to use the A4 for an offshoot cv path, but, with the brutes, its a fail.
Am using it for moog stuff instead.

If you have something that sequences midi use that instead. I have mini and micro hooked up on same channel with note priorities set high/low to get “duo”. Just for laughs.

Hope i have’nt confused things. I often do that…


Got mine from analogback on the forum


Thanks Spike!

If you only need one CV/gate pair from the A4 you can use CV A for pitch CV and CV C for gate if you only have regular cables.