A4 Setting up external MIDI controller?

Hi everyone, just purchased an A4 yesterday and so far loving it! :slight_smile:

I’ve re jigged all my hardware equipment and setup my Novation ReMOTE SLMKII as a dedicated keyboard / controller for the A4.

So far I’ve managed to create a template so that the keyboard is on the auto channel (MIDI 9) so that when I change tracks it plays accordingly. I’ve also managed to setup volume for the first four track on the faders too.

Having a look through the manual though it doesn’t seem there are CC or NRPN numbers for FX sends on each track/channel, or a volume level for the FX track.

These just happened to be what I thought might be useful to have on hand. There might be some others that I come across that might not be there too. But maybe i’m not looking properly?

Has anyone else setup external controllers for common controls like this?

I plan on creating some patches / kits and then setting up the performance page so as to have most of what you’d need anyhow on the actual A4, and I suppose I could setup a template on the ReMOTE that uses the performance pots, but kinda defeats the purpose.

Anyhow hopefully some of you have tried this in some form and have any tips perhaps. :))

(can’t wait for the poly mode!)

Ooops… ‘RTFM’ syndrome perhaps… Just seen in the AMP section that that is where the send commands are, lol. My bad.

(Can’t see perhaps the mute tracks CC, not sure if that’s even possible, like mixer mode kinda, that’d be neat to have so you could leave the sequencer dedicated to that)

But still any tips on maybe how others have setup their A4 with MIDI controllers would be neat. :slight_smile:

started mapping on the Rem25SL myself, but gave up when i remembered it doesn’t do NRPN properly at all - jumped towards Lemur

Not going to do much setting up until the dust settles on the new OS tho, especially with the multimap stuff

i prefer to use discrete channels so i can talk to any track, rather than using the auto channel fwiw

Ah cool, thanks for that. Hmm interesting about the OS, was doing some more reading on the forums in the Analog 4 area, haven’t in the past as only had the octatrack… some of that M4L stuff sounds really cool about setting up the multi map / performance page.

Hopefully some more useful stuff in the new OS, cheers again :slight_smile:

Hey 11brassmonkey - how did you map the track volumes? I only found the amp volume in the MIDI spec in the manual. Is there a NRPN or CC for the track volumes?

Thanks much for your help!

It’s documented in the addendum that accompanies an os upgrade, also discussed here on forum #101 from memory, but just check the forum/doc, it’s possible with either nrpn or cc