A4 seq fu** up's?

This is possible one dead request for an answer - but one thing that is really bothering me, is that when you are running a sequence, and double-hit one track (to change the sound) - why does not the A4 allow you two pre-listen to the new sound, in real time?

If I’m doing it wrong, and there is a solution to this, I will be so happy to get the answer. And I promise two appologise for my out-burst :slight_smile:


PS: sorry for changing the subject, just had to get some attention…

the solution you desire, which may or may not come eventually, can be partly solved by pressing Fn+Yes whilst listening, it’ll load sound up and keep browser up

if you don’t like it you could reload a kit (or just the previous sound) if you saved it before you edited the track sound - you could also copy the track sound before tinkering with it as a manual undo

fwiw. using attention grabbing techniques/titles is likely to backfire, folk help fairly quickly - >

that thread title isn’t gonna help on a number of levels tbh