A4: repeats / retrig / ratcheting

Do you by chance have an audio sample of this?

Sorry but it will be complicated, as I don’t sleep with A4 + OT yet. It may happen if my wife leave me because of them.



Yeah, seems the best way would be to use trig conditions.
I would use “Fill”
Then when you press Page, the note will repeat that you put into the sequencer set to Fill.

oh wait I just understood your original post.

My wife was busy, I succeeded to record secretly a one bar loop with lfos tricks and conditional trigs. :content:
Default kit modified from scratch. A4 directly recorded in OT with its compressor. No live remix, just play and record. Not sure it’s IDM or something but if you are interested in settings…


Great drums :slight_smile: Sure. I’m interested in the lfo tricks

Damn ! Easier for me if you didn’t like it. :grin:
Everything is above ! I check my settings in maybe half an hour…

No hurry!!!

Lfo1 settings for :
Kick = 32 x 64, Trig, Exp, Pitch, F1 freq
Snare and “Hihat” = 32 x 128, Trig, Saw, Amp Vol, F2 freq

For all Lfo1s, I modulate their Multiply with Rdm Lfo2, Hold, Depth between 1 - 3.

With Rdm Lfo2, I also modulate EnvF Dec for kick, Noise S&H for snare and Hihat.

Of course you can plock all setting…


thanks man!

Thanks - those re-triggers sound really great! I have to try this out myself asap

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Thanks too. I wouldn’t have done this without this thread and the other one. I made a smoother kit and another record.
The first one seems very harsh in comparison.
The problem is that you become lazy after : 2 bars seems much too long now ! :grin:


Hi. Another test, only drums, no FX, one bar loop, play rec, compressor.


sounds great again. I did try it yesterday with your settings, but I couldn’t manage it to sound like I want it to. Have to spend more time with it.

I was looking to grab one of the new A4s, however is ratcheting a thing yet?


nope, just an AR feature as far as I know.

But there are ways to get the effect with LFOs or the arpeggiator


This is the tried-and-true method. I’ve done ratcheting on the Analog Keys, and though I don’t remember how I did it, it was probably with an LFO since that would have been my first thought.

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Not sure if it corresponds to racheting but :
A4 - Repeats or retrigger


Go buy a cheap 2nd hand SR16 and use it to sequence your A4. Last century I used my SR16 to sequence loads of tone generators.

Should first investigate implementation with A4 midi before buying, but using a cheap drum machine to sequence drums sounds like a no brainer. If not, then completely redundant :man_facepalming:

I’d say that counts and then some! Nice!

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