A4 - problems restoring patterns via sysex

out of nowhere, i can’t send old backed-up patterns from C6 to the A4 via USB.

the A4 receives the patterns (and kits, which work without a problem), but the patterns aren’t there after the transfer (pattern slot lights are not lit, and not notes/sound)

i’ve backed up and restored patterns, kits and entire memory of the A4 lots of times without issue.

i tried various different back-ups, and all behave this way. kits are restored no problem (as are sounds/banks), but patterns are not working.

i’m scratching my head as to what could be happening. anyone else had similar issues?!

Yes, I have exactly the same issue :sob:

I have the same problem, hope it’s a bug in OS. Elektron should solve.

so i did a few tests at the weekend, and this is only an issue with older backups- patterns saved and restored under the current OS work fine…

i’m going to report the issue to elektron HQ…

I also stated this problem here http://www.elektronauts.com/t/please-help-pattern-backup-failed/8051/65897
on 26-9. It seems more people have this problem as well. Good thing to report this to HQ. Let’s hope the patterns aren’t lost forever.

Not a solution, but a good tip when storing backups via SYSEX:

Always backup twice and compare the file sizes (or better, MD5 checksum) of the saved SYSEX.

If the file size and check sum match, you know the backup is good (although it may still fail to restore for other reasons).

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is not a problem if sysex. SO can not load old backups pattern …

Probably not the cause of the OPs issue but I thought it would be useful to mention that OS X 10.6 has problems with sys ex messages longer than 256 bytes. Resolved with 10.7 and later.

My OS is 10.9 and I get my old backup pattern emply …

I’m using Win7 via C6 and USB. A4 OS 1.11B

Tonight I’ll try with midi cables

latest beta fixes this one :slight_smile: