A4 Poly-mode w. Max/MSP


I’ve created a simple Max-patch that imitates the Poly-mode from the Monomachine for the Analog Four. I’m not super great at Max, but it does what it’s supposed to. Sometimes the note don’t come of correctly, maybe some Max-expert inhere can figure that out.

All and all, the A4 sounds amazing when it’s in poly. Have a listen:


About the patch:

Drop the patch file on Max Runtime.

If you run the patch in presentation mode you have three dropdowns.

  • Analog Four MIDI In (select your A4 in port)
  • Analog Four MIDI Out (select your A4 out port)
  • MIDI Notes In (select where you polynotes come from, Live etc.)

Then (as on the Monomachine) control the sound ONLY on Track 1. Track 1’s parameters are instantly replicated on the other tracks by the patch.
All parameters that send CC will work fine.

I have only tested it with Ableton yet. If your notes won’t come off, press stop on A4 three times and the same with the Ableton stop-button.



Hey Nilsr,

i really like your idea of making a max patch to allow a polypohinc play of the a4. But i had to confess, that i have not much experience with max or max for live. Unfortunately i dont know how to use your patch direct from Ableton Live 9 Suite (which includs max for live). Maybe you could give me some help with my issue.

Best regards

Great patch! But it seems to be processing note off messages too. Trying to modify it now…

upd. here it is: http://bit.ly/17Zg4Go

now filtering note-offs :slight_smile: