A4 Output Limited/Compressed?

Does anyone know what is going on at the A4’s output? Is there limiting or compression going?


i think this “compression” happening is due to the VCA.

It is a discrete components circuit with its own headroom…and it services 4 tracks!!

So…balance Trak levels…!

Also…this compressor behaviour will save life to most of the A4’s owner’s loudspeakers :wink:

and comes sonically handy too :slight_smile:

Cheers, It does seem to work very well. Would be better to have the option to control/reduce it.

The option is already there…

=balance your four+fx tracks=

It would be nice, instead, to a have a lowering threshold, just to let it pump more


I think Elektrons get to infinite grace when used with good preamps on good console or the newer solutions like series 500 or assembled channel strips from vintage consoles.

If this would be the case, the A4 will go to great Sound.

Unfortunately, this is the reason I sold my A4. I loved the interface and workflow, but something about the sound just didn’t gel with me. It did feel as though the sound was limited, or something. That would explain why I didn’t like the sound of the PW modulated, some sort of compression must’ve been affecting it. Maybe the Analog Keys’ ability to handle deep bass will improve this? I feel like something about the A4 filters’ ability to handle frequencies has something to do with what I dislike about its sound.

I tried really hard to like the A4 too; it’d be perfect to me if it had a grittier, meatier synth sound. Hopefully, korg will release a more fully featured electribe using it’s analog MS oscillators, and filters at $799 list… actually, I’m kind of hedging my bets on something like this… almost seems inevitable.

I have discovered that when the overdrive in the filtrer is engaged it flatter vca shape
So I reshape the vca with a second env
Env2 page :

DEP >1-127

and in Amp page :
DEC max
SUS max
REL max

VOL 0 (offset)

velocity response not tested

I almost held out for this inevitable development myself. I find that running a couple of Monotribes from my A4 gives the best of both worlds though.
I wish there was a batch command that could drop all the volumes of A4 presets by about 70%. It’s amazing how much things open up when you create some headroom.

I almost held out for this inevitable development myself. I find that running a couple of Monotribes from my A4 gives the best of both worlds though.
I wish there was a batch command that could drop all the volumes of A4 presets by about 70%. It’s amazing how much things open up when you create some headroom.
I’m experimenting with that exact setup now - a4 + 2 tribes - I’m running them back into the A4 fx track which sounds great but I can’t seem to get any decent volume from the tribes this way - at full volume on the tribes and full vol fx channels they easily get drowned out by the A4 - so lowering the A4 volumes helps but I don’t seem to have the same issue with other gear…
Maybe I just haven’t noticed it before, but are the monotribes just a bit quiet? Maybe it’s cos I’m running them on batteries? Any thoughts?

not wrong there, all the preset patterns are louder than mine but mine sound much much nicer,
it needs some room to breath

im going to try this…thx!!

I almost held out for this inevitable development myself. I find that running a couple of Monotribes from my A4 gives the best of both worlds though.
I wish there was a batch command that could drop all the volumes of A4 presets by about 70%. It’s amazing how much things open up when you create some headroom.
I’m experimenting with that exact setup now - a4 + 2 tribes - I’m running them back into the A4 fx track which sounds great but I can’t seem to get any decent volume from the tribes this way - at full volume on the tribes and full vol fx channels they easily get drowned out by the A4 - so lowering the A4 volumes helps but I don’t seem to have the same issue with other gear…
Maybe I just haven’t noticed it before, but are the monotribes just a bit quiet? Maybe it’s cos I’m running them on batteries? Any thoughts?[/quote]
I’ve not compared their output levels with other gear to be honest, but not found myself needing more volume. Maybe if I had the A4 track volumes higher I might experience the same problem.
I suppose it’s another reason to keep your A4 sounds low. :slight_smile: