So, I am just curious to know how some of you users out there integrate and play with the A4 and OT chained together (and also what kind of jams you do, i.e. free form, improv, entirely sequenced). Currently, I use the OT as the control center for my rig, with the A4, a Moog Minitaur, and Bass Station 2. I make what ends up bring, synth pop/industrial music that is entirely sequenced, but sounds are tweaked by me. I like to make stuff that I would like to think I could play live and I do minimal recording.
Due to the fact that one cannot change patterns of one’s choice on the A4 via a program change msg from the OT (you can only change the A4 pattern to the matching pattern on OT), I find that I am forced to largely sequence entirely on the OT. The OT performs well in this function, but it means that I miss out on a lot of the functionality of the A4’s sequencer which is kind of a bummer. I interested in your thoughts on this.
I usually switch patterns independently on the OT and A4. I like this a lot more, since it allows some experimentation with flipping through A4 patterns while the OT is going, and vice - versa.
For live work, I use the OT only, but I imagine that switching patterns on 2 machines manually is feasible, if not ideal.
I do largely the same thing with the MD and OT,he tempo is synced but they run their own sequences. That gives me the most flexibility in taking advantage of the things they both do well on their own.
I’d be curious to hear if A4 owners still do sample a lot the A4 into the OT and take it from there or if they run more or less independent (besides tempo sync)
Hi ! I mean I use just the OT live. It’s mostly a space / carrying issue, and also, because it forces me to think and plan and make the best use of the “limited” amount of tracks.
As well, I have found that the A4 needs a lot of processing (for my taste at least). Plugging it straight into a PA does not work for me, I find it needs EQ and compression before sounding “right”.