Not sure how we should report bugs in the new v1.1 OS so thought I’d start a bug thread.
Here’s mine…
When you set the Arp mode to Poly, the mode is not remembered when saving to Kits or Sounds (or Autosaving when you switch the machine off). When you load a saved Kit or Sound the Arp mode defaults to OFF. Only happens with Poly mode. All other Arp modes are saved correctly.
multimap pattern trigging from an external MIDI source can confuse the sequencer when you send many notes quickly to the AF: STOP button may intermittingly not work.
so try to avoid sending notes in rapid succession (faster than 8th notes) and also avoid sending chords.
Oh right, so you can save Arp settings with a sound?
well either way the Poly mode in the Arp page is still not saved [/quote]
pattern : works for me ![/quote]
I just tried again, this time being sure to save pattern. Turn machine off/on and mode defaults to off. It only does this with poly mode. The others are remembered.
I guess this only affects the Analog Keyes since it involves the Hold key.
To Repro
Load an empty Kit and Pattern.
Select any synth track.
Hold (latch) any note (key on keyboard + Hold)
Enter Grid Rec mode (press Rec)
Hold a sequencer trig and lock the same note that previously was latched.
From now on it is not possible to lock other notes to sequencer trigs of the selected track anymore. When you create a new trig it will always lock to the previously latched note. And if you try lock a different note it will only lock the notes pressed on the keyboard as an additional notes (NO2-NO4 on the Arp page).
Haven’t found a way to get out of this quirky state except restarting the AK.
When in record mode on a synth track, selecting the FX or CV track disables recording.
This is a pain when trying to program CV tracks for external synths which are routed back to the inputs.
yep - holds fine with realtime, but with grid record mode it toggles it off - leaving cv aside for now, simply going to the fx track will disable grid rec mode - this seems like a genuine bug
u should raise a support ticket !
it happens only when selecting the FX track, not CV track, and only in grid record mode.
i did report this earlier but it’s by design, when you hit the FX track button once you will get the params for the FX track, but can still play the previous synth track with they keys, and they decided to disable grid record for this state because otherwise you would have to deal with the trigs for the synth track, but couldn’t access p-locks because the params are those of the FX track…