Nooooooooooo!!! =(
I’m sad, my birthday will be the 8th so the 9th was like a delayed birthday present. Now I have to wait. Still cant complain about freebies. Wonder what happened.
tinfoil hat
much rather have a properly debugged OS every time ! let’s not start moaning here, not that anyone has, at least we’ve had good early warning - they must have found something wrong that needs sorting, so it’s best we let 'em get on with that and wait for news ! #givesmetimetolearnmynewOT
1-2 weeks is nothing, no complains here, but i hope they will release the vids on monday to keep us busy .
that would be the wisest thing for them to do +1, keep folks on side and gets you prepared !
yeah… if i hadn’t had the chance to get a good look at the AK/AF new OS features at the Berlin event, and didn’t really know much at all about Elektron sequencers, I’m not sure the current info on the website would convince me of the AF/AK.
now… I know that the OS is proper good! absolutely worth the wait!
but I think there might be a good portion of people who take only a superficial look at the AK and see a “4 voice synth with a keyboard…shrug”, or dismissing the AF as a glorified xoxbox or something.
imo, show em the mad stuff Elektron!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give A4 OS update.
j/k Take as long as it takes guys/gals!
Circumstances beyond our control - could be a component supplier has let them down…maybe the keybed…