I used my Octatrack live with a Kurzweil PC3. I programmed the MIDI program changes in my OT so it changed presets sounds in the Kurz in different sections of the songs. All was OK.
Now, I have substitute the Kurz for an Analog Keys and I don’t know how to approach this! The Analog Keys responds to MIDI program changes changing Patterns.
Can the AK be set so it change presets sounds instead of patterns with Program Changes MIDI messages?
If it changes patterns (and the Kit linked to this pattern), can I select the Track? 1, 2, 3 or 4?
One more bump here. I am using CIRKLON to drive the Analog Keys and I would really like to be able to switch kits and maybe projects via program changes
I don’t own an Analog Keys, but I believe that it only allows you to change patterns using MIDI Program Change messages. Of course, if you have a different kit associated with a pattern, then the associated kit will load with the pattern.
It might theoretically be possible to change projects using SysEx messages, but the SysEx for the AF/AK is not officially documented and the Cirklon does not yet transmit SysEx.
WRJ you can change patterns using the ‘pgm’ setting which you can add to an instrument def on the Cirklon. The numbers don’t line up, even from the start as Cirklon goes 0-127 and A4 goes in banks of 16, starting on 1.
I wonder if there’s an alternative way of displaying the pattern, as a number rather than counting in 16s.
This all worked, thanks for the advice! And you’re right about the numbers not lining up–for example program change #2 from Cirklon activates pattern 3 in bank 1. Annoying, but I’ll get used to it.