I’ve got problems with the new A4 OS. I try to install it with C6 but it seems not work.
-I choose OS UPGRADE on the analog four
-On C6 in configuation i’ve got -midi in:analog four
-midi out analog four
-I load the sysex file
-then i push the send button.
Nothing work in that way
Please can someone could explain how to make it work.
If you have a USB hub it may be the problem as sometimes there are giving some headache.
Have the A4 directly connected to computer and retry.
I never had any problem in that way with communication between unit, especially, HD, Upgrade process, video and audio capture.
Hub is good for Keyboard, Printers,keypad and general midi use.
Check you MIDI config on A4, should receive messages from USB (or USB+MIDI…). If you use C6 with USB cable, choose A4 USB port in C6 config.
Select OS upgrade in A4 and you should ready to go.
Had the same problem … midi in AND midi out could not be allocated… turned out Ableton 9 was running and disturbed the midi channels …
closed Ableton 9 now it worked like a charme…
guys, I had a song loop that I was listening to all evening, pressed play after the update, it kept the song loop but the surprising fact is, that it seems to have crisper sound and more detail all of a sudden… maybe I just imagine it …