A4 Multimap pattern change instructions/note list


Got so frustrated with pattern changes on the A4, I made this.

Contains instructions for setting up Multimap pattern jump on the A4 and the MIDI notes you need to send from your Octatrack to the A4 to change to a given pattern. Note: For some reason, the Note C0 is a C-1 on the Octatrack.

Much thanks to member LarsEirik for letting me know about this Multimap pattern jump stuff in the first place.


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DUDE you fucking rock. I was asking about this about a month ago and no one knew the answer. Ive just been lazy and hadnt decided to figure out what the difference was yet. I was however using the MD, but I am sure the difference is the same.

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Can we revive this topic?

I can’t make the octatrack play different patterns on the A4.
What seetings do both machines need for this to work?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Ot need to send midi note out to A4/AK auto (or perf ?) channel.
A4 need to have a patt change multimap enabled.
Make your keyboard split on the A4 : let’s say patt change will go from C2 to C3.
Send these notes to A4 auto or perf ( never remenber which…) channel.
Do not forget this is elektron so there is an ( undocumernted anywhere )octave difference in notes coming from the octatrack. See OP.
Enjoy instant (impossible on any newer product…Because hey, this is elektron ! )pattern change on A4.

Ask if something is unclear.


Hehe, it’s been a while but I still might have the original file. No clue what’s in it, but basically the same thing as the good sir above me said. Let me have a look.

EDIT: this also allowed me to like phesago’s thank you msg, only 4 years late :sunglasses:


If you do - i would love to have it again. Mustve lost in during a computer rebuild

OT_to_A4_Multimap_patternjump_list.xlsx (50.4 KB)

Found it!


There is no octave difference, but the octaves are numbered differently between manufacturers (sometimes even between devices of a single manufacturer). The MIDI standard doesn’t include a octave numbering scheme so each manufacturer has invented his own.

The lowest MIDI note with value 0 can be named C-2, C-1 or even C0, but they all mean the same note. The name isn’t important, because it can differ. What’s important is the decimal MIDI note value.


When will Elektron stop to increase the lowest note? :smile:

What is DN/DK lowest note btw?
C0 seems to be the most unusual, with it’s C5 middle C. A4, but AR too AFAIK.

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The DN/DK manual shows C5 (60) in one of the images. So it uses also the unusual C0 as name for MIDI note value 0.


Thanks everybody for their input!
I got it working and the main points to make the magic happen where:

  • Midi-Track on the Octatrack is set to the PERF-Channel on the A4 (this is stated in the A4-Manual)
  • Midi-Note on the Octatrack needs to be 1 octave below what is set in the Multimap on the A4

To play Pattern A1 on the Analog4 the Multimap is for example C1 then the note on the Octatrack needs to be C0.

If have actually pulled out a Midi-Keyboard and played notes to see if anything would happen on the A4. Tried different Midi-channels and then found the notes that would make the patterns play.

@josker: Thanks for the list! I was going to create one myself, but you already figured it out. If it’s cool with you I will put in a dropbox folder and post the link? Not sure if that keeps the file in this post so others can benefit.


Absolutely, that file’s fair game for any use at all.

Another option is to upload it in the Files section of Elektronauts, but seeing as that failed once before, I’m not sure which is the more future-proof option :smiley:

That was my thinking! We will see what works. Maybe one of the mods has better idea?

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Nice! I uploaded it now here: https://www.elektronauts.com/files/479

But any other solution is fine for me, too.


Which confirms that I’m not a complete nincom poop not figuring out why a note on A4 wasn’t the same on a digital eurorack osc. How can we accurately translate and set up properly with these differences?
A4 has its norm and ranges, op-z as well so how should I set up v/Oct range in cv settings to later get reliable range etc in multimap?

It’s just a shift in the octave naming scheme and not rocket science. When you know how the MIDI note with decimal value 0 is named on each of the involved devices you can simply translate between them.

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Try to use a midi monitor if you have one avaliable…Saved me a lot of headache…

Midi gal is still produced and really handy…

It made me discover that, in midi ext mode, ch 16 and auto are bugged on the AK…No, sorry…They are designed differently than the other channels…

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If the subject matter isn’t in the rocket science field, it’s common knowledge. Though “rocket science” isn’t my particular field of science I will continue to be perfectly blunt with my ignorance when I want to learn :face_with_monocle:

Middle C, note 60 :

C3 > Yamaha…
C4 > OT, Roland…
C5 > A4, Cakewalk, Sonar…

Who’s right ? A4 or OT ? :content:


The brand which manages to keep consistency within their product range maybe ?

Nevermind, who cares…Spending money is what matters…

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