A4 legato

I’m trying to create some evolving atmospheric pads with slow attacks, but I can’t seem understand the A4’s legato.

My understanding is that with legato mode off, the amp envelope should re-trigger with every new note played, regardless of whether a previous note was still held. This is not happening with legato turned off on the A4. When I play one note, and then a second note, the envelope does not seem to re-trigger.

I’ve have a good look around and played with a variety of settings but I can’t seem to hear any difference with having the legato on or off.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Have you tried the envelopes with dots next to them on the amp page? They should re-trigger the attack phase, it can result in a bit of a click unless you edit around it though.

Brilliant. Thanks mate. That’s fixed it.

What would be the difference, if any, between using the shapes without the dots and legato mode then?

I’ve never used legato mode as I only ever sequence notes but I can’t see there being any difference, as always, the manual is quite brief in its description.
I swear there was another control for envelope behaviour but can’t find it now, surely I didn’t dream it…

EDIT- Just found it, I knew it was real, in the note menu, it’s two switches for the two assignable envelopes and controls whether or not they are re-triggered. These confused me for a while until I realized they only affect the envelopes from the decay phase.

… the envelope is re-triggered from whichever point it is at, whether attack,decay,sustain or release ! - it’s sometimes not noticeable depending on the adsr values when the envelope type does not start from zero (the dotted ones) - e.g trigless retriggering a very long attack envelope with a non-dotted env will probably make no difference, the re-triggering without reset to zero becomes interesting when the envelope being trigless trigged is in any of the stages after attack, it’ll become like a multi-stage envelope

No, I was still confused about their function, it seems in their default position (switched right) it’s business as normal and when switched left the envelope is disabled for that P-locked step.