A4 keyboard always plays track 1 sound

turned on my a4 today and its stuck playing track 1 sound always, layered with either 2,3,4 if those tracks are selected…

not sure why or how this haat ppened, turning it on and off doesnt seem to shift it. any ideas if anything was toggled?

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Does the other Tracks have the same sound loaded?
Are you triggering the other Tracks using the mini keyboard or an external controller/keyboard?

Also, muting the Track will mute only the sequencer trigs not the mini keyboard.

Also check in Kit setup (FUNCT+C1) for Poly Configuration (the last item in the menu).

Your scenario looks like you are playing in UNISON with USE TRK SOUNDS activated.

Are you playing from a MIDI keyboard? If so, check the MIDI channel setup on the A4. You probably have Track 1 and Auto channel both set to receive the channel the controller is sending.

from mini keyboard, it stopped doing it, then did it again, then stopped lol…

not sure whats going on, i’ve got ‘use trk snd’ 'cause hyakken told me to do it for the editor. dont even know what it does, or ventured into poly mode really…

having too much fun making electro beats ! :]

I actually have the same problem. Just got my A4 and when I select track 1 it only plays the sound of track one, but when I got to track 2 it plays track 1 and track 2 together. The same with all other tracks. In my kit settings, ALLOCATION is to RESET and USE TRK SOUNDS is OFF. It just randomly started doing that and I have no idea how to fix it.


Check your midi channel settings, i’ve got my 4 tracks with corosponding midi channels set 1 thru 4. Then auto channel is 16 and I set my controller to that for easy swapping.

the problem is not the external controller, but the A4 integrated keyboard

same problem here. think i’ve just figured it out after hours of head scratching. you need to turn off monitoring in ableton on the track which has your overbridge vst. Not sure why that is but its obviously creating a loop around and defaulting to AK track 1.

I only use ableton so can’t comment on any other DAW’s


Not long had the A4 and experienced same problem, also using Ableton. Tagoe76 solves the problem initialy but i found another way.

Go to Global settings, then MIDI config, then Port config, scroll down to “KEYBOARD DST” and change from int+ext to just “INT”

Seemed to do the trick for me, haven’t gotten to that bit in the manual yet so don’t know whats changed exactly but it worked :smile:



Thank you! Had the same problem today. This totally solved me problem