A4/K/MKii Trig Conditions Thread

It would be nice if there was a P.lock slide feature. Value A set at Step X to Step Y with a value of B. Then set the curve you want it to follow, instead of a staggered note by note basis it currently is.

Could you just do a parameter slide between a locked osc Slide value s1 on step X to locked Slide value s2 step Y?

Am I the only one that wants a second row of 16 trigs now?
They’ve nearly hit the limit on what is possible on a single row of trigs now, I reckon.

I think I get where you’re coming from, but wouldn’t something like rgb trig leds be a more elegant/practical solution? For me it’s the flashing/dim/orange stuff that’s a bit kludgy.

I think I get where you’re coming from, but wouldn’t something like rgb trig leds be a more elegant/practical solution? For me it’s the flashing/dim/orange stuff that’s a bit kludgy. [/quote]
Indeed. Monomachine style.

Or OT style

Just saw that updates!!! what are those Fills, Modulo etc conditions?
Is there any video to check them?

Brief mention in the sonic state video at 13:30 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlgyZFdCifw

There is a readme.pdf included with the OS download that goes into full detail.

I am in the process of moving houses and couldn’t update so far.
Are there any videos showing the new functions except the one mentioned above? Really excited but can’t get my hands on the gear now :frowning:

still experimenting with this feature and found something the other night that made me ask myself: is it supposed to be so? is it just me or what? :astonished:
i had one track length set to 62 steps (in ADV) and the master length was set to 32. one trig on first step of track’ sequence set to 2:2 … hit play…waited…the step never actually played… :confused: should i get an old maths book out? :astonished: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

wow this is really cool. The fill feature looks pretty baller. I may have to mess around with it and figure out the tircks

this sounds like the issue affecting direct jump modes - it doesn’t add the count unless the pattern end is reached - which isn’t happening for you due to short master length - it seems like a marginal case, but worth flagging up - if only to raise relevant conceptual questions
i presume if you set 1:2 you get a repeat every time as it thinks it’s always the first time - or does it play just once (not near gear) ?

yep, exactly that…if set to 1:2 the step is always played. where’s mr. ‘counter’ when you need it? :sob: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Great idea.

…been thinking about this (again): it would be nice to have a ‘per track’ trig condition parameter. this way one wouldn’t need to set single steps (not just because one could be lazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ) but rather just once for the entire sequence
it would ‘override’ any trig condition setting for the steps (if active) and use its generated value to decide whether or not to play a step in the sequence (thinking more about the random condition here)…and because the parameter is ‘global’ for the track, ie: a 25% value would mean that any step in the sequence could be triggered, not just a specific trig with that trig condition…mm… :smiley:

what do you think about the FILL symbol? I always wondering that

FILL PAGE is not beeing pushed


FILL: PAGE is beeig pushed

the other way around would make more sense to me ^^

but after programming some sequences for my latest live set, all I can say I really love it for adding some breaks :slight_smile:

also “NEI” is great … you can set a trig to 42% and the next trig to not true … so that way the first trig or the 2nd trig will be played.

This is the bar notation of Boolean logic, where the bar means NOT. Gotta love programmers. :wink:

Whilst not in Step record mode …

[li]Press(hold) Fill(Page)[/li]
[li]Press(hold) Yes[/li]
[li]Release Fill[/li]
[li]Release Yes[/li]

Now Fill is latched - press Fill again to unlatch
This is poorly described in the comments of the Elektron video just released

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This update kicked the Rytm features up a notch for sure… really impressed with the fills and trig conditions features.

Now you can get near-infinite randomness with just a 16 step loop filled with the new trig options.

I also like that the retrigger finally records to the sequencer: now it’s kinda like the MPC note repeat function. Great for recording rolls!

…not sure this has been mentioned already/flagged by someone else:

  • it would be nice if the trigs that have a trig condition, would visually behave as those that have p-locked parameters (even because the way it’s shown on the UI is the same way as per p-locked parameters…)
    it’s hard to figure out which trig has a trig condition or not; you’ve to hold the trig on the sequence but that’s a bit like guessing (at least for me)? :astonished: :joy:
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