A4 issue and subsequent dilemma

What up 'nauts!

I’d like to start by welcoming myself to your fine forum - hope all is well in your various corners of the Earth…

I’m writing to see if anyone else has had the same analog 4 woes as I have, because I’ve now been several weeks without mine and it is causing physical pain to my synth muscle.

So I bought my unit a few months ago, and from the beginning Track 4 was quieter than the others. Foolishly, I thought this may have been intentional, and ignored it for a bit. After I found out it was not meant to be that way, I had passed the 7 day return period of the synth shop from which it came.

The problem persisted through full resets and OS updates.

Soon after this, Track 4 began intermittently making a nasty crackling noise, as well as remaining at a consistently lower volume.

The shop it came from (a legit Elektron stockist, they claim) have sent it to their repair place, where it has now laid since mid-December last year.

So now the repair place says they need the board schematic to know what’s happening, but they also said they’ve had trouble contacting the Elektron lads for any help. I’ve sent them an email too, and hope to hear back, but in the meantime I thought I’d throw a post here and ask -

Does anyone happen to have access to the schematics or information this repair person might need, or know the details of someone who might? I only want to get my whole head back into my analog 4, and stack some of those sweet sweet transistor pulses.

Anyway, thanks for sharin’ my qualm - stay real!


p.s; the most frustrating part is - the polyphonic update has come out while it’s been sitting in the shop… so haven’t even got to hear it that blissful action

Wouldn’t it be wiser to send the unit to elektron?

Absolutely…Is that not what the 3year warranty is there for …

Had I known it would take this long, I most certainly would have just sent it in!

Sadly, the dudes at the synth shop said to give it to their people (here in Australia), because they would sort it more rapidly… has not happened…


If they’ve yet to repair it, why not get it back from “them” and THEN send it to Elektron. I know this means additional time spent without your unit but surely Elektron will repair it properly!

I would get it back and send it to Elektron. If they don’t already have the requisite knowledge and documentation, I wouldn’t want them messing around with MY gear.

Get it back before they do something stupid and void your warranty. Someone authorized to perform warranty service would not have a problem contacting Elektron for support.

A reputable dealer should send you a replacement unit, and they themselves should send the faulty unit to elektron. This whole situation sounds bush league and you should tell them this.

I can’t even imagine a third party shop trying to repair an elektron synth, sounds completely insane to me. I’d tear them a new asshole if this was my synth.

If the store I bought my elektron-stuff, didnt send my stuff to elektron for servicing
I be dissapointed… A jerky move, but a good one… is contacting elektron directly and tell the name of the store and the name of the service people they use… Ask if its a legit-place and whats going on…

Did something simular when I had a problem with one of my roland things…
the store gave me bs answer… so i called roland directly (the belgium-branch)
found out the store didnt explain my problem propperly… and after that it was fixed.

anyways good luck… I hope you be having your machine back soon, to have all the fun you can get out of it.

A bit off topic, but a post like this makes me think that any manufacturer / retailer ought give at minimum a 30 day “no lemon” guarantee that offers asap replacement of the product at no additional cost and minimal time lost to the customer. It’s just not right to buy something new and have to go through this! (I’ve been there)