I have a big problem with the understanding of Pattern/kits
I created a kit with sounds and recorded pattern on the A1 pattern
then I switched to A2 to make a new pattern and then swithcing back to A1, it loaded another kit and I can’t access to the pattern I created even though I saved it. When I reload the kit I created the pattern playing is the one from the Kit accidentally loaded and I can’t get back to the pattern I created. Am I missing something?
Hi !
The way the A4 is organised, I would advise using one kit per pattern. Once you load a kit, write a sequence, and save your kit and pattern, the kit and patterns are linked together, and recalling a pattern will load the associated kit.
Recalling a kit does NOT recall the associated pattern, however.
So it’s pattern -> kit
Hope this makes sense. I usually do A1 - kit 1, A2 - kit 2 etc… If i want to use the same kit for patterns A1 and A2, I would copy kit 1 to kit 2, and assign them to their respective patterns, for the sake of clarity and sanity. That’s just me though.
The cool thing about this organization is that, once you have filled a number of patterns, each with their own kit, you can then load different kits to the same pattern, and get some VERY unexpected results. Keeping your kits and patterns linked in a logical way means that you can easily go back to the original kit a pattern was written with
Thank you very much for this clear explanation!
there is also one strange thing I don’t figure out,
when I push the bank button to switch from pattern A1 to A2, all the patterns led are lit up excepting the A2 led, what does that mean?
In fact it’s strange, the led is off and I can’t record a pattern or a kit on this pattern A2 when I switch to another pattern it changes but when I switch back to A2, the kit associated will be the one from the last pattern I loaded…
When you hold the bank button, the grid LED’s will light up where there is a pattern written with a kit associated to it.
Remember to save your kit AND pattern before switching to a new pattern/kit in order to recall the proper kit when loading a pattern.
Let me know if this helps.
I got it, It works!
thank you very much.
Cool, glad I could help