A4 gives me electrical shock

Did this ever get resolved?

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I got shocked a couple times on my arm from one of my Elektrons, lol. It shocked me again today and felt like a bee sting! :honeybee:

I get these shocks too. from the upper corners.
it happens once in a while, canā€™t really say when.
itā€™s never so strong, itā€™s pretty subtleā€¦
you get like a tingling sensationā€¦
i love it :slight_smile:

I have electrical shocks only when Iā€™m licking it. :loopy:


NO IT IS NOT STATIC, it was a full jolt of AC power .

I just had the same, and some smaller ones before that I wondered was that a shock?

YES IT BLO0DY IS , touch the power lead and speaker out rear with each hand left and right , ful on AC electric shock.

its where the paint is thinest , if you touch the exposed metal one both sides you will get a nasty shock . DONT!

The A4 is DC powered: 12 Volts, 2 Amps!


The ā€˜tingleā€™ being felt is current finding its way to earth through the userā€™s body. Something is inducing current in the case of the A4.

Something is not right either in the power supply or bad earthing or a combination.

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Itā€™s called Elektron for a reason. The zaps are just part of their USP. I mean PSUā€¦ :crazy_face::zap:

But jokes aside, what is the solution to this? And could these kinds of shocks be dangerous? I get them too sometimes on my A4, top left corner. What are the health risks here?

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