I noticed if i use the “fx track” things get pretty wacky, adjusting hp filter, lp filter and other settings. however, after i deactivate the fx track it does not seem to go off and is still applied to all my tracks.
sometimes when i shut the machine off and turn it back on it is still present even they ‘fx track’ is unlit.
That just clears any FX settings you’ve tweaked taking them back to their default state (perhaps the last saved state which would be handy).
I think he’s looking for a method for achieving a completely dry sound in one button/combo press.
That just clears any FX settings you’ve tweaked taking them back to their default state (perhaps the last saved state which would be handy).
I think he’s looking for a method for achieving a completely dry sound in one button/combo press.[/quote]
Button combo in not yet possible, even if i hope for a future OS to have those unused buttons, while in Performance page, to be used for snapshot or combo buttons… Avantronica wrote a really nice thread about this…that thing would be awesome.
Regarding the question of the OP…you can mute the Fx track by setting a Perf Macro with all the FX sends (so, destinations would be T1>T4) to be lowered to 0. This way you will not cut the tail but you have to tailor properly the Macro.
Otherwise you can abruptly mute the FX track with a Macro that, this time, lower to 0 the VOL of each effect (so, destination would be FX track)
Macro are really powerful, even if they need a better and quickier approach for editing them