A4 External midi kbd WITH A4 keys problem

Hi! I just hooked up my QuNexus via the expander, works great, but seems that it’s disabled when holding a key on the Analog 4’s on-board keys. It works the other way around (if I hold a key on QuNexus first, the onboard keys still function). If anyone can lend some advice as to what settings I might look into, I’ve already tried quite a bit but afraid nothing has worked so far… I certainly appreciate any help here, thanks!

p.s. this is my first post, though I’ve had the A4 many years, glad to be a part of the community :slight_smile:

edit: @Halo_of_Teeth - just saw on another thread you seem to have a lot of experience using QuNexus with A4, if you have any words of wisdom on this, would be awesome
@PeterHanes I just saw you’re a moderator - any way you could lend some insight on this? Would really appreciate it as I’ve been scratching my head over this for days now :confused:

A post was merged into an existing topic: External Midi Control: Performance Channel + Arp Parameters